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-- strawberries and cigarettes.

Later that afternoon, Yujeong found herself walking around the campus, trying to find the back gates of the school

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Later that afternoon, Yujeong found herself walking around the campus, trying to find the back gates of the school. Even after she finally found it, Yujeong's eyes were restless, now attempting to find Jaemin.

She stopped at the fences, the brick wall behind her. Yujeong had no idea where she was, and looked to her right, only to be frightened by a figure.

"Oh my god! You scared the shits out of me." Yujeong flinched, seeing Jaemin leaning on the brick wall, smoking a cigarette.

Yujeong furrowed her brows, walking closer to him. "Didn't I tell you to stop smoking?"

"You did." He blew out, the smoke causing Yujeong to cough. "But that doesn't change anything, sweetheart."

"Ew, what the hell." Yujeong waved off the smoke that embraced her like a hug. She once again snatched the cigarette away from him, stepping on it as the fiery hues faded.

"Enough of smoking, we have a dog to pick up." Yujeong said, Jaemin shrugging and walking towards the front of the school.

x x x

Yujeong opened the car door and got into the black sports car, the smell of cigarettes invading her nostrils. The car seats were made out of leather, lined with white.

"Do you... smoke in your car?" Yujeong asked, her eyes exploring the whole car. Jaemin buckled in his seatbelt, looking at Yujeong.


"It just smells like cigarettes in here." She mumbled, looking the other way to avoid his intimidating eyes.

"Deal with it."

"Well, maybe a refresher would help."

"I'll pass."

"Why not? Strawberry refreshers are the best." Yujeong suggested, a smile appearing on her face just thinking about the lovely sweet scent of strawberry.

Jaemin looked outside through the front window and said, "I don't like strawberry."

"Why not?"

"They're too... artificial."

Yujeong furrowed her brows. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I- nevermind." Jaemin shook his head.

"Tell mee!" Yujeong whined, wanting to know what his problem was with strawberries.

"Buckle in your seatbelt." He said, ignoring Yujeong's whines.

"Fine." She mumbled, pulling the seatbelt over her small body.

Jaemin started the engine, the roaring sound making Yujeong flinch. He noticed it and revved up the engine again, amused by Yujeong's tendency to get scared.

Yujeong glared at him, telling him to stop. "You're crazy."

"Tell me something I don't know, babe."

Jaemin started driving out of the school parking lot and soon drove onto the streets, moving a lot faster than what Yujeong had expected.

She held onto her seatbelt tightly and looked at Jaemin. "You need to slow down."

"Where's the fun in that?" Jaemin smirked at her, slightly speeding up.

"Oh my god, you're gonna get us killed!"

Without a word, Jaemin sped up even more. Yujeong tensed up in her seat and gripped the seatbelt even tighter, her knuckles turning white. "I mean it, Jaemin!"

"Alright, alright. Jeez, you're such a scaredy cat." He said, slowing down and stopping at a red light.

Yujeong exhaled, loosening her grip on the seatbelt. "I'm not a scaredy cat."

"Mhm, totally."

"I'm not!"

After a ride of getting on each other's nerves, the two finally arrived at the animal adoption center, walking through the automatic sliding doors. The center had white walls, pictures of dogs and cats hung on up them.

"Uh, we're here from Neo City Highschool. We've come to pick up our pet." Yujeong said as she and Jaemin reached the front desk.

"Name?" The lady asked, clicking on her computer.

"Yang Yujeong and Na Jaemin." She answered, playing with her fingers habitually.

"Ah yes, you've come to pick up a Pharaoh Hound?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Come follow me."

The woman stood up from her chair and exited the front desk, leading Yujeong and Jaemin down the hallway to another room. This time, the walls were gray and the sound of barking could be heard in the distance.

As they walked further down the hallway, the barking became louder and louder. Yujeong could feel her anxiety coming up. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself down.

Jaemin noticed Yujeong's tenseness, slightly confused at her uneven breathing. Without thinking much, he put his arm around her shoulders, bringing her body closer to his. Yujeong confusingly looked up to him, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks.

She shook the feeling off and averted her attention back to the lady as she unlocked a second door. As soon as the door opened, the roaring sound of barking immediately attacked Yujeong, instinctually covering up her ears.

Jaemin slowly took her hands off her ears and spoke in a low but gentle voice. "It's alright, princess."

Yujeong only nodded and completely took her hands off her ears, still a little tense from the barking that came from everywhere.

"Alrighty, this is Saebyuk and she's the Pharaoh Hound you guys will take care of." The lady said, stopping in front of a section containing a black hound.

"I thought these hounds were brown." Yujeong mentioned, remembering the picture of the Pharaoh Hound she saw on the form from earlier that day.

"Yes, most Pharaoh Hounds are brown, that's the most common color, but there are some black ones like Saebyuk here." The woman explained, Yujeong nodding along.

For once, Yujeong wasn't paying attention to the loud barking.

Yujeong crouched down, staring right into the doe eyes of Saebyuk. The dog was laying down, resting her head on the cold concrete floor. Yujeong stood back up, her eyes fixated on the dog.

"I like her."

strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan

strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan

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