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⇢ [Chapter 9: Silence] ˎˊ˗ ꒰

"What guy?" I asked, confusion evident on my face. "Ian Kenneth." The blonde male responds, his head held high, looking down at me.

" Oh yeah, I am," I replied, smiling at him. "Are you a friend of his?" I asked, confused as to why he asked that question suddenly.

"I despise him." He lifted one side of his lips, making him look disgusted. "O-oh," I stuttered, unable to find a word to say. The blonde male then clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth when he saw another male's figure, now standing behind me.

"[Y/N]." Ian's stern voice called out. I turned around, now facing Ian, my eyes slightly widened.

"The food is ready, let's go." He glared daggers at the blonde man behind me. "But I haven't-" I was cut off by his stronghold on my hand, and Ian dragging me away. He looks mad. While I'm worried about me not being able to urinate yet, and Ian still being somewhat irritated about something, we are both unaware of the blonde male's strong glare at Ian's back.

"Wait- what happened-?!" I asked him, really wanting to know what happened between him and that blonde guy. I still haven't gotten his name yet, so I'll just call him blonde guy. I really hope he doesn't mind telling me about what was going on between him and that blonde prince-like dude, because I am really curious.

He went silent for a while, not bothering to answer my question. I asked the same question again but making the tone of my voice sounding less freaked out, instead, I made it softer.

"Don't talk to Zac." was all he said. He didn't bother saying anything more. He went ahead and ate his food. His order consists of a bowl-like plate, filled with two Kentucky fried chicken poured with gravy on one side, some pieces of corn on the other side, and rice on the center.

I decided to not ask him another question again, judging by his pissed-off face, there's a possibility he's gonna lash out at me. Since we're talking about the blonde guy, I guess the guy's name is Zac. I decided to go and eat instead of just watching him as if he is in some mukbang youtube video.

[Y/N] happily ate her desired order from KFC, while Ian took some glances at her, sometimes admiring her, without her noticing.

The black-haired male was irritated by the fact that his beloved met and talked to another male that he began to dislike. It was such a coincidence that his cousin was actually in the same building as him.

"And I thought this day is gonna end well," [Y/N] thought, continuing to much on her food, that she noted that she would try again someday if she ever visits KFC again. She finished after Ian, who is waiting for her to be done.

I arranged the used plates on the tray to keep everything neat and possibly helpful for the workers, while Ian ready the shopping bags. He only grabbed the bags full of clothes for both me and him, while leaving the bag full of undergarments for me, since his hands are full.

He wasn't acting like his cocky self ever since we met Zac. We finally entered a taxi, after searching around for one, once we exited the building. We used a taxi to go home instead of just walking since it would make us both tired, especially when we're both holding heavy bags full of clothes that we bought.

Ian kept silent the whole ride, even when we stepped out of the taxi, just pure silence. He still looks frustrated but when every two minutes pass by, his face softens. Ian gave me the bag full of my own clothes that I bought and held his bags full of his clothes.

"Bye," I said monotonously, waving at him, which is useless because he didn't wave back. In fact, he ignored me. I sighed and went inside my house located beside his.

I shut the door, resulting in a small clicking and squeaking sound. Upon entering my bedroom, I set the bags down, letting out a small huff. I groaned remembering that I still need to go to work. The manager assigned me to start my shift in the evening, possibly from Six pm to Eight pm, due to another employee's sudden emergency.

I didn't bother changing out of my clothes and went outside again, bringing only my personal necessities with me, and walked to the bakeshop. Luckily, it isn't that far, so I won't have to use a taxi to get there.

the smell of bread and cake hit my nose, making me feel more at ease. I spotted a familiar short-haired blonde female, taking orders from customers. I smiled. "Lia!"

Lia was a friend of mine, ever since I worked here. She said she moved here a few years ago because of her father's business. She helped me in knowing how this bakeshop works, and basically, almost everything about working here. She even gave me tips too. She is a very helpful person. However, she's foreign, so she's in the process of getting used to the language, but I can see her improving a lot.

"huh? [Y/N]! Hey!" She dragged the "y" in hey, throwing her arms in the air, making almost all customers turn their heads at her. "Oh shit, sorry," She mumbled, upon noticing when the people are looking at her. And of course, she's still loud as ever.

I snickered, placing my hand in front of my mouth while walking up to her. "It's been so long since I've seen you! How are ya," She patted my back after handing me a red-colored apron that somehow matches the colors of the bakeshop.

"Why are you asking me? You're literally sick days ago," I interjected. She was actually absent due to a strong sudden sickness, but it's surprising to now see her healthy.

"Yeah, and I'm all better," She did some jazz hands, pulling on a big smile on her face. "I made sure to take many medicines and vitamins and stuff so yup!"

I nodded, smiling. "I guess I'm doing fine" I responded to her question earlier. "You guess? Have you been on a date?" She asked.

My cheeks burned up a bit. "It's not a date!" I waved my hands in front of me while shaking my head no. This girl literally knows everything, she should be some kind of detective or something, coming up with an idea of me going on a date, but actually, it isn't. "It's just that my neighbor decided to go with me to the mall, and he saw me meet someone who he dislikes, and he went silent for the rest of the day," I said hastily, but Lia seems to understand it by the expression on her face. Eyebrows furrowed, with her finger placed on her chin, while nodding.

"Aight," She grabbed a towel and began wiping the counter. "He's jealous," She smirked, looking at me with a weird face.

"Ehh" I blushed and looked away, having nothing to say. "mmm, I don't think so," I sighed. Lia ignored what I said and continued pestering me. "Ouu, do you like him back?" Her eyebrows moved up and down while squinting her turquoise-colored eyes at me, with an annoying smirk.

"No-!" I raised my voice a bit, trying to make myself intimidating, in order for her to stop. She just laughed. Her laugh resembling a hyena, and because of her being loud as hell, customers looked at her again. She went silent immediately. Her lips pulling into a straight line. I stood there snickering at her and continued my work.

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