C H A P T E R 5

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AFTER WALKING FOR a while, the duo had finally found a car Liam deemed worthy. 

For whatever reason, he wasn't happy with any of the cars they had passes, and it wasn't until exhaustion began to win that he allowed her to pick a car. 

It was an old blue Kia, and it was at the very least clean on the inside apart from some old clothes. 

Liam was driving, occasionally glancing behind them just to be sure no one still followed them. 

Aphrodite looked through her back pack, pulling out random things before reaching some snacks she'd picked out, smiling when she realised she had grabbed her favourite flavour of chips from before IAAN had spread across the country. 

She opened the pack and tentatively grabbed a small chip out, placing it on her tongue and chewing it. 

She hummed at the familiar taste, glaring playfully when Liam gave her an odd look before opening his mouth, signifying her to give him one. 

Begrudgingly, she placed a chip in his mouth, averting her attention away to outside the car, watching as they passed trees. 

"They're not bad," he commented lightly, "But I reckon barbeque chips are better," he added teasingly.

She gasped in mock offence, holding a hand to her heart in a dramatic mannor. 

"How dare you! You take it back!" she exclaimed in a fake accent, trying to hide her little giggles. 

He chuckled, glad to see her smiling for real again. "I won't! I'm just being honest, darlin'!"

She pouted, her eyes narrowed at him as he glanced between her and the road. 

"You have horrible taste, Lee," she grumbled, eating a couple more chips before sealing the bag as best as she could and putting it neatly back into her bag. 

"Think what you want, but my taste is much better," he responded, putting the radio on and singing to the old tune loudly before she could get another word out. 

He had a grin on his face, and his singing wasn't horrible, but it wasn't too great either. 

Rolling her eyes, she looked out the windom, jumping slightly when she felt a hand on her thigh.

She blushed a little, grabbing his hand and interlocking their fingers, not taking her gaze off the passing scenery.


sorry for how late and short this is! i completely forgot to update so I quickly whipped this up to make up for it. 

i'm hoping to pay more attention to this book, so hopefully i'll update a bit more!


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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