C H A P T E R 2

392 13 1

Dedicated to @Hufflepuff_Loyalty for voting on this story, thank you so much :D


THE YOUNG FEMALE knew she would not be able to stay at the supermarket for a long amount of time, but she had decided that she would stay for the night at the very least, seeing as she had not had barely had a rest since her escape.

In her heart, she knew that it would be unlikely that she would be able to locate Liam, but even so she had hope.


Something almost foreign to her now.

She'd always been a realist, but as of lately, with her new found confidence with her abilities, she thought a dash of hope may be a good thing.

With a small smile playing on her lips, she began to hum a soft tune as she gather some soft items and made a quick make-shift bed for the night. 

Digging through her new supplies, she found a candy bar and grinned softly to herself, opening the packaging and nibbling on it, being careful not to upset her stomach. 

She suddenly perked up, her eyes widening in alarm as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. 

In a rush, she collected all her items and messily stuffed them in her bag, slinging said bag over her shoulder. 

She moved to her feet in a quick motion, and in hopes to confuse the person, she ripped a glove off her hand and pointed it at the lights above, clenching her jaw an array of sparkes left the tips of her fingers and blew not only the light above herself, but all the alit ones in the supermarket, and a shower of sparks cascaded down. 

Had she not been in a flurry of adrenaline and pure terror, she might've have recognised the soft southern accent that coated an array of colourful swear words that left a certain dirty blonde haired boys mouth. 

Not bothering to put her glove back on and instead holding it tightly in her hand, she bolted for the back exit, wisps of her read hair falling in front of her face.

Her heart pounded in her chest and her legs moved at an almost inhumane pace. 


Such a small difference but she almost knew she wouldn't make it. 

Her breathing grew ragged from anxiety and exhaustion, though the threat of being caught again urged her to go on. 

5 more metres.

So close. So so close.

She could almost reach out and grab the door when a shelf had supposedly fallen in front of the door on it's own, but she knew that not to be the case.

Whether the idea of a fellow psi kid being there reassured her or worried her more tha being a PSF or skiptracer wasn't determined. 

But as the girl with fiery hair and sparks at her tips slowly turned to face the psi, her heart literally stopped beating. 


Another chapter done!

I know its not very long and it has a cliffhanger, but i've already planned to get the next chapter out as soon as possible.

comment/vote :)

Thick Skin // Liam StewartWhere stories live. Discover now