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As classes ended, I headed to the Literature Club. But before I go, something came up to my mind. I decided what should I do about Sayori. Even when I am presenting earlier, all I could think about.. is her.

"This is my first step... my resolve."

I proceeded to enter an empty room that I found near the Literature Club. I made sure to look around that no one was in the hallway. I quickly lock the doors and closed the windows. It seems like I am planning something dark, but I wasn't. I lean against the classroom wall on the side and take a deep breath. I have got to do this. I need to help Sayori any way that I can.

This is my logic. Imagine yourself cooking. And you made food for yourself. You didn't realize that your whole family is also starving, from their work. But now, you need to do something like your homework, but you know that no one will cook for them. You will need to sacrifice your time just to cook for them. But if you prepare food not only for yourself, but for your whole family, you won't need to go cook for them now because you already prepared it. Now, you can do your homework and finish it. And have a good, long time for yourself.

That is what I am doing. At least what I think it is.

This is my preparation. This is my resolve.
This.... would not need any sacrifices....

Back to the topic, I made a phone call to someone. It dialed and connect.





Someone answered the phone. It is a voice of a middle-aged woman. She replied.

???: "Hello? Who is this?"

"Ah yes. To whom am I speaking?"

Sayori's Mom: "Wait, is that you Haruno-kun? Oh it's been such a long time. Your voice is manly. I think you have grown just fine."

She sounds so excited.

"Thank you, Ma'am. Actually, I need to tell you something. Something important. I promise. But, please don't be so shocked alright? I don't want to hurt you."

She hesitated. Her parents have always been out, just like my parents. That's why Sayori lives alone.

Sayori's Mom: "W-what is it?"

I decided to get the noose out of my bag and get ready to take some pictures of it. Because I needed to. I need to ask her for help. I can't do it alone. It's better this way. Sayori trusts her parents. She would listen to them more than me. Besides, mothers knows best. I wish she can help her daughter. Ahhh, I feel so useless. They cared for me like I was their own kid. I sighed a big one and decided to tell them... everything.

"Actually, Sayori."

Sayori's Mom: "Oh! Is she okay? She hasn't been answering my calls or texts in almost a month now."

"Y-you see... I... went to her house today before school... and....I... found something in her room..."

I bited my lips and it started to bleed. I didn't feel any pain. I did feel hesitation, if I didn't say this to Sayori's parents, Sayori would suffer more.

Sayori's Mom: "You went into her room?"

"Yes, I went up to check on her because she will get late for school. And I am worried because of the other day, she seems weird. I tried ringing the doorbell on her door but she didn't answered. It was also unlocked too... That's where I came by... and...when I went to check on her in the room, I bumped into her desk.... I found something in her drawer."

Sayori's Mom: "What? What did you find?"

She seems scared and hesitant to know. Of course she will. I did too. I once again resist the urge to break down on the phone.

"I found....A...noose."

I hear a loud screeching from the phone. I heard a man spoke.

Sayori's Dad: "What did you find in my baby girl's room?!"

I heard sobbing over the phone. That made me burst to tears as well.

Sayori's Dad: "Do you have any proof of this?! Why would she do this?"

I proceeded to take pictures of the noose and sent them over. I hear silence, then sobs  and muffled talking in the background that sounded like it came from Sayori's mother.

Sayori's Dad: "......! We'll take her to the doctor tomorrow, this is serious. We would do it today, but we need to go back. We are heading back now, and won't return till tomorrow afternoon."

Shitty hell. I can't leave her alone tonight! She's too high risk. I don't want to lose her again. I need to do something. Out of all times of stupidity, I get a brief moment of clarity and come up with a good idea. I wipe my tears away and suggested them something.

"It is not safe for her to be alone tonight in her condition. Can I suggest and get your permission to stay close with her? I will keep an eye on her. I'll protect her with my life."

Sayori's Dad: "We have no other choice. Please keep her safe for us now. You have our permission. We'll pick her up after school tomorrow."

I heard a loud breakdown over the phone.

Sayori's Dad: "Please keep her sssssssaaaaaaffffeee fffooooooooorrrrrr uussss."

"Okay...Hey? Are you still there?

There's no response. The call ended. I started to head out and head to the clubroom. But, that last voice earlier, it sounded so weird. I don't know if they had a bad signal, or it is kind of artificial. Some moments that their voices did not sound right either. I hold off the thought for now...


"Whoa, fucking bitch! I almost forgot!"

I am still holding the noose and I am in the hallway. I safely dispose of the noose. I bury it under a pile of garbage in the bin in the hallway.

"Serves you right, trash!"

After the disposal, I walked to the Literature Club with a refreshed face. Let's hope that Sayori is there now...


I entered the clubroom, once again...

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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