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August 27, 2016

1:43 pm

Walks in the park, one of my favourite things to do on a warm day. Today is one of those days where it's warm enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt but it's not unbearable. There's a nice little breeze too, which is why today is a beautiful day to be walking in central park. Sounds of little kids playing tag are in the distance and birds are chirping up a storm today. It's nice, peaceful even. I like these walks because I can be alone with my thoughts, something I don't get to do often.

Most of the time I'm thinking about my work, it's very stressful but that's all I can think about. I came to New York to become a supermodel. It's been something that interested me from when I was little, walking around in my mom's clothes and shoes, it was my favourite thing. I've been trying to get a meeting with the Victoria Secret Super Models for months now, my biggest dream is to be an angel. My parents think I'll never make it but I have to try. For now, I'm working in a small coffee shop to pay my bills.

I moved to New York almost two years ago now, so that's a start. I always dreamed of moving here, of course, my parents disagreed but I'm old enough to make my own decisions. My parents live back in Maine, my hometown. It's not that far, but they don't visit. In my time here, I don't think they ever came to see me once, my dad had a business trip here so we met for coffee but that's it. They think I should be a lawyer or a doctor but they never really listened to me.

With everything going on, it's hard to make friends and stuff so I don't have many. There's a nice lady that I work with, although she is like 70 something. So I spend most of my time alone unless I'm with my dog of course. He's a golden doodle, he's actually turning 4 tomorrow. My parents bought him for me as a moving away gift, I was actually very surprised because they don't do anything for me. His name is Cosmo, I thought it was cute considering my name is Luna.

Luna Rossi, a 21-year-old girl who still can't spell the word raspberry. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a body crashing into mine. The impact caused me to fall backward on my butt, luckily catching myself before hitting my head. I barely needed a glimpse to see that the body was a man, not just any man, it was Niall Horan. I knew it from the prominent blue eyes that stared down at me still sitting on the cold cement. My lips parted slightly in shock, I felt like I was being choked with no words left inside of me.

"Sorry love, I was in a rush." He smiles lightly reaching his hand out to help me up using his thick Irish accent you could recognize anywhere.

"Oh I- it's okay." I smile nervously.

I hesitated to let him help me up, only because my hands were sweating like crazy, but I grabbed it. He pulled me up as I let go and brush off my legs that had just a little bit of dirt on them.

"Can I get you anything, I'm really sorry about that." He puts his hands in his short pockets. He wore a white t-shirt, blue Nike shorts, and some white running shoes, he must have been running.

"Oh n-no that's okay, t-thank you though." I ran my hand back through my long brown hair.

"Okay, if you say so, what's your name?" I looked up at him with a smile, why would he want to know my name?

"It's um Luna." I knew I was blushing, even though he was probably just running, my face was definitely more red than his. 

"Luna, I like it. I'm Niall." He says as if I didn't already know it. "I should get going, but I really am sorry."

"Don't w-worry about it." I tucked my hair behind my ear, this was so embarrassing.

He smiled and ran past me. I turned around to see him running again, he looked good when he ran.

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