Ch. 26: Family

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Grace grabbed Mark's arm just as (Y/n) finished her sentence. Though Dark was a fearsome demon he was a tad nervous for their reaction since they had been a long-time enemy for generations.

"I must be...a bit ill.." Grace shook off her words, "Who is the father again?"

"Tenebris, the ex-king, is the father." (Y/n) paused, "I — I think everyone should it down. Please. There's food coming."

The entire family was shocked, exhausted, and hungry. Storm had it planned to arrive with food to their home to help ease up their minds. Though food helped there was still much information they had to explain.

After settling down a bit (Y/n) gave off Umbra to Storm until more had settled. Explaining everything since the castle was going to be a lot and take a while.

With Dark by her side, she felt more confident in telling their story and how it all occurred. From the beginning of the pain, she went through to falling in love. The physical and mental growth Dark had gone through as a demon. Die overthrowing the king of the world and keeping him captive and the two of the three elite demons coming to better themselves and make things right. Lastly who and what Risus was and how it matters to them.

"We all, at least, on Nana Roses's side, have demonic blood in our bloodline. We're not entirely human and... we're not entirely demons... we're hybrids...That's why we're...great at things others maybe aren't as great at?" (Y/n) wasn't sure how to explain herself further.

The conversation had gone on for a few hours with Tenebris bringing up information to help her along. This was hard for her to do.

"There's much to explain. I don't even know if I got everything?" She held her head and leaned the kitchen table while Dark rubbed her back with his hand.

"Calm yourself, my dear, this is much for everyone." He reassured.

"Is there, like, any questions or something? I can't tell you how it happened it just did but this is where we're at." She paused, "Dad? Mom? Anything?"

Mark adjusted his voice, "This is, a lot of information to take in at once. I mean...we were kept from the world for... a long time. We knew Die was king and that Dark was... well what has thought was dead..."

"Alive and well, thanks to your daughter." He respectfully spoke, "Without (Y/n) I would have never realized what life I was living and what life had to offer."

"This is...all very strange to us...I believe I can speak for all of us." Grace paused. "You have a child..." The words tumbled out of her mouth. "It's just... we thought you were dead let alone you're alive and... all of this..."

"His name is Umbra." (Y/n) smiled, "He's beautiful, and...he's going to change the world one day. He's going to do great things."

Mark pondered, "Nana Rose came to me in a dream, she told me about being a grandparent but I wasn't sure what she meant until now...Does she visit you?"

"Not like she used to. It's — I don't know. She believes in me. I know that much and if Nana believes in me then what can stop me?"

Mark smiled, "The king of the world couldn't stop you. You haven't changed too much, I can tell."

There was a long silence between them.

"So, are there any questions?"

"Many but, I think we're exhausted and full." Mark pat his stomach. "Reminds me of your cooking, honey."

Grace smiled, "Anything would remind you of my cooking at this point."

"Roll with me on this but we have two rooms upstairs. Anti used to live in one of them but it's more important that you guys, Dean and Lily have rooms to stay in."

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