Ch. 18: The Announcement

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Two months had since passed since the capture of Antisepticeye. This had left Die in solitude, almost. Die couldn't tell what kind of emotions to feel and when to feel them, one thing was for sure, he was drained 24/7. His ocean blue eyes had dulled to practically grey, and his stress had caused dark circles under his eyes. His responses had become robotic, automatic. He was a shell of a man that was filled with one woman only.

His Mother...

Sarah had grown much more vibrant, happy, and even looking far younger than her general age would show. She had made changes to the castle, even hiring new staff; Aka turning soldiers into staff. Colors changed, furniture changed, and no one would know that Darkiplier had even lived in that castle.

One room though was left untouched..for some time. As much as she had forced Die to let go of (Y/n) there was always a thin strand in his heart that wouldn't break. Sarah had little knowledge of the library and what its connection to (Y/n) and himself was, which, in all honesty, there was none, but he knew (Y/n) loved the library and all its books. Dust littered the entire area except for the last pile of books (Y/n) had been reading. Die had often opened up the books and read them to himself wondering what the young girl would think about while escaping to these literary worlds.

One book in specific was marked with a bookmarker 3/4's of the way through. He had read that book at least a dozen times but never going past that place, leaving it for her to read for her return. The return he had so wished for but knew deep down would never happen.

"There you are!" Sarah chirped. "What are you doing in this dusty room?"

Die looked up at Sarah, lowering his book, "Making use of this old room."

Sarah looked around, "I haven't touched it yet... Well, I could possibly repaint it. Have new bookshelves brought in and .... get rid of these nasty books. I — We deserve something —"

"You will do no such thing."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"I built this room." He lied, "I put it together with my own two hands. I gathered these books from across the world. You have had your way with this castle, fine, but you will not touch this room."

"Ooo, temper temper. Well then," She smiled. "If that is what you'd like, I suppose I can allow it. You've been a very good boy lately." She placed her hand on his head then moving down to his cheek. "It has nothing to do with that girl, correct?"


"That's my boy." She kissed his forehead. "I wouldn't stay within this room too long. It's getting chilly. I was told it was to snow today. I'll have the grand fireplace lit for us. Please, come join me later, dear."

"Yes, mother." He sighed.

He didn't mind the cold, it's all he felt at this point.


"Oh, and I cannot forget my greatest piece." Mario handed Dark a tiny black cover coat for the baby. "The little one still needs to look good on the cold days."

Dark smiled, "It's much appreciated, Mario. Thank you again for the winter clothing you have made for us. I am very impressed by your ability to capture the 2000s, before the war. You are a talented man."

"Ooo honey," His face flushed red, "With the way you're making me feel I'll be warm all winter." He waved his face.

"How do you do it?"

"Well if you MUST know, runs in the family. I was told great-great-grandma could make clothing like no one's business. Kept a bunch of magazines from every year, yada yada yada, now I'm the GOAT of it all."

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