Ch. 15: Plus One

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(Y/n) began to hear the faint sound of conversation occurring. She opened her eyes to a room that was almost completely dark. A few candles lit up the room as she laid there. She gazed around briefly then sat up, pushing up her pillow in the process.

Her body didn't hurt, but she did feel exhausted as if all the life had been sucked out of her. The more awake she became the more clear the voices were. (Y/n) shoved her feet off the side of the bed and slowly stood up, not completely sure of how exhausted she was. Her legs straightened up, and walking seemed easy enough, just tiring.

Her feet carried her just to the opening of the kitchen. At the kitchen table sat Dark and Storm. They seemed to be having a general conversation, neither good nor bad.

"Sorry, I slept in," She spoke up with a weak smile.

"Well good morning (Y/n)," Storm smiled.


"Well, it's around time you'd get up and start your daily routine."

"It makes more sense why I'm awake now."

Storm stood up from the table, "Well, I'll allow you two to converse a while. I'll send in a nurse to check on you and possible injuries in a few minutes."

He then reached down with an open hand to Dark who stood up and grabbed it, giving him a hardy handshake.

"A pleasure, Storm. Thank you for sticking around this evening."

(Y/n) was not happy about Storm leaving. She knew Dark had a few, well, a lot of words to say to her. She knew he wasn't going to be happy about her lie and didn't want to face the argument. He'd never understand the way she wanted him to.

Dark walked Storm to the door then closed it behind him. He stood there briefly taking a deep breath then turned towards (Y/n).

She couldn't read his expression and was fearful of his next move.

"Don't just stand there, say something," The quietness became too much for her.

He slowly walked up to her, but (Y/n) stood her ground ready for anything. No matter how weak she was, she was going to defend herself though he wouldn't hurt her. Feet, then inches away he stopped at her toes, looking down at her.

Without warning two arms wrapped around her, holding her extra tight. The physical affection came out of now where which she was used to initiating.

He pulled back holding onto her shoulders, "Let's get you back into bed."

"You're not mad?"

He turned her around and urged her to walk, "Livid."

"...but you're not.."


They entered back into the bedroom. He gently helped her up into the bed, fluffing her pillow for her to sit up on. She was utterly confused by his slow-to-anger actions. As soon as she was comfortable, he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Are you comfortable?" Dark spoke.

"Very," She smiled.

"Good," His eyes became pitch black, no red, no white, nothing. His expression fell and she could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Well, it was nice while it lasted.."

"What the ever living hell were you thinking?!" Dark shouted. He began pacing the room, his steps were heavy.

"I knew, I KNEW, that if I were to let you go on your own something bad would happen. I was not lurking within the shadows who knows what would have happened to you?" He gripped the edge of the bed, his fingers cracking the wood.

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