Ch. 27: Relations

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The following days Dark showed Mark Duce and Dean around the town. He showed him beyond the woods and the small campsites he built as hybrids, demons, and humans began to arrive in large numbers. Some feeling hopeless, more ready to fight.

Mark was shocked to see Dark in such a different light, but the shock only drove him to work harder despite his weak figure.

He followed Dark's lead and helped as much as he could trying to prove he was not weak and live up to his name. Dark knew better than to stop him but helped him along the way.

After working a long morning and afternoon Dark and Mark Duce were pulled into Storm's office to discuss important matters dealing with the war.

Dark lead the way sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Storm's desk with Mark following along.

"Good afternoon, how are you two?"

"Tired," Mark laughed slightly, "lots of work to be done."

"Agreed," Dark added, "But we're progressing smoothly, Storm."

"I'm glad to hear," Storm smiled then sat down at his desk, "Which is going to make this far easier to talk about."

Mark and Dark looked at one another for a moment before returning their view to Storm.

"Mark Duce, I've heard many many impressive things about you as you served in the Rebellion. A strong leader. A leader doing whatever it took to get into Dark's castle and take him down from the inside out." He paused and looked at Dark, "And you, King of the World, the man who open the gates to hell and made our world what we know today."

"...I'm not following Storm," Dark commented. "I no longer serve the title King of the World, nor would I wish to."

"That's not my point, my point is I want you both to lead the army into battle. Many people look up to both of you. The eyes of the world were upon you for many many years. It is time that you show them who you are. Show Mors, the demon of death, who he is messing with."

"I'm sorry, let me step in here for a second." Mark spoke up, "I've only been here for a small amount of time and you want me to help lead this — massive army into battle?"

Storm smiled, "That's exactly what I want."

"Dark has had time to prove himself to you, I can't take this responsibility until I show you what I have to offer. I cannot let rumors speak for me."

Storm paused, "Mark, I think since some things have calmed down it's time you learned about the family."

"Did something happen to my family?" Panic stuck his tone.

"No! No! No! They're fine, but it's us, I want to discuss."

Storm took a few moments before explaining about their common ancestors, especially Nana Rose

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Storm took a few moments before explaining about their common ancestors, especially Nana Rose. Novus was the firstborn of Risus and Rose, the beginning of a new generation. Novus had two children, Bellator and Vita. Bellator was to be the new leader of the rebellion because of being firstborn. This made Vita very very cold and angry towards her family. She believed that neither humans nor demons should live but only ones that contained both types of blood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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