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Lane's POV:

"Um.. Jon. You know what.. I dont actually feel well now." I said.

"Huh? What about Austin? You dont want to cook for him anymore or..? What if we see him here? We could hang out somewhere and wait for him?" Jon suggested.

"I..I changed my mind. I'm sorry I have to go." I replied quickly walking away.

"Wait! Lane, I have to pay for this first and-!" I didn't hear the rest of Jon's words as I hurriedly went to the exit.

What happened to me? Did seeing Greta made me change my mind? Or is it because the fear got to me?

The fear that maybe Austin is really a different person now. That maybe he isn't the same Austin I fell in love with. I guess deep down I was scared. That I might not know him anymore.

That's the thing when you let go of someone. If they ever come back you can never be sure if they will still be the same person that left. Because everything changes..

And it took me so long to ever realize that. I might be chasing someone I dont even know anymore.


I haven't moved on. I'm aware.. I can never move on. Maybe. We could never move on. We could just move forward and do other stuff that makes us think of the things that pains us less. But it doesnt mean it's gone. The feelings. The pain. The memories. I still love the person I've loved before. I will always love them.

Every single one of them. In different times. In different ways. In different intensities and amount. I keep the memories so tightly with me wherever I go. Taking them everywhere. Because the pain and experiences is what makes me. The person that I've loved and all the memories built me to how I am now.

So no...

I dont regret any single part of it. Because I know at that was exactly how I wanted it. And without a doubt in my mind.. I would do it all over again.


Gangbang me. There was a time where I felt all the feelings that I have for people that I love fucked me all at the same time. How high and hot it felt. I felt wild. But after all it was done. I felt dirty. Alone. And miserable. It was only good for a moment.

But I know.. how lucky I was. Because it was the kind of fucking that not everyone experience in their lifetime. Not everyone get to feel.

Next time. When everyone is fucking you at the same time.

Embrace it. And let the biggest filthiest moan. Whether you regret it or not. It already fucked you just the same.


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