Chapter 1

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"Live a little..."

Warm beer is nasty.

As soon as the liquid touched my lips, I winced, a chill of disgust running through my spine. With life on its own, my tongue darted out, touching the sweet strawberry-flavored lip gloss I generously applied before leaving the house. It made it worst.

Note to self: cardboard tasting alcohol and strawberry don't match.

Tammy, the girl dancing close by, gave me a disapproving slash mocking look. I shrugged. Who was she to judge? Tipsy was at least three drinks ago for her. Tammy's smeared metallic blue eyeliner was almost reaching her cheeks and she was clenching an orange All Star to her chest... Yeap, her opinion doesn't count.

I had better things to worry about, anyway. Urgent things, like getting rid of the revolting drink inside of my plastic cup. The kitchen was all the way across the packed room and whoever decorated the house was not into vases. Pity.

Luckily, sometimes you don't have to make choices; destiny makes them for you. So, when the speakers screamed the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, I knew the beer could wait.

Hips swaying to the beat, I couldn't resist the temptation of closing my eyes. Dance as if nobody is watching, isn't that what they say?

From what I gathered in my 16 years of life, there were only two other things in the world that felt as good as dancing: chocolate slowly melting on your tongue and having a blank canvas in front of you, waiting to be filled.

I didn't get to finish my dance, though. The distinct form of an elbow collapsing straight in the middle of my back made my eyes open. My instinct drove me to shift my weight on top of the black silky stilettos I had snatched from mom's closet. The impact and the abrupt movement caused a wave of beer to rise from my cup, landing on my right shoulder. I guess the problem of disposing of the thing was solved. The fact that my dress became damp and smelly was a side effect I was not ok with...

"Sorry about that, gorgeous." The words were screamed, but it sounded just perfect to oppose the bang of the music.

I turned around. The reprimand forming on the tip of my tongue melted away under the infamous smile of Seth Walker, the hottest senior in school. His usually shiny blue eyes seemed a little dull, which was consistent with the heavy scent of alcohol coming from his breath. Still, when his hand closed around my waist, I was sure the risk of falling was bigger at that moment than when Seth had bumped into me.

I wrapped my hands around his arms. For security reasons.

He really was good-looking. I knew this, but being that close, touching him, I could tell what all the fuss was about. Even with the veil of alcohol, his eyes were mesmerizing, almost as beautiful as Asher's, my traitorous best friend that ditched me last minute that night.

"Care for another one?" Seth asked.

I thought it was an invitation, but turns out it was more of a rhetorical question because I didn't get the chance to reply before he grabbed my hand, making way through the crowd of dancing teenagers. I glanced over his shoulder to confirm we were going towards the kitchen when something else caught my attention or better somebody else. Taking advantage of the fact that Seth had paused to bump fists with two other boys, I jumped to get a better view. My suspicions were correct; Grace was there.

A small sense of panic hit me. Being called out for my older sister at a party would do nothing for my social life. The best strategy was to speak with Grace voluntarily. Propping my chin on Seth's shoulder, and making my best attempt of a seductive voice, I half yelled in his ear, "I still want that drink, but I have to go to the bathroom really quick. Be right back." He smiled and winked, offering no resistance when our hands detached.

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