Chapter 3

27 4 8

"We did it!"

5 years Later

I looked in the mirror one more time. Everything had to be perfect. Shifting my head from side to side, I inspected my hair, making sure it was impeccably straightened all the way around. There wasn't a single lock that could be faulted, so I leaned further analyzing my eyes, looking for any lumps in my mascara.

The satisfaction of finding all as it should be was short-lived. Distracted with trying to make the best of my appearance, I misplaced everything...

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

My palms began to sweat when I saw a blot of BB cream staining the white marble countertop, and my eyeshadow was in the box that was meant for lipsticks only.

What a mess.

Fighting the anxiety that was blossoming inside my chest, I corrected my mistakes, organizing every single item I had used.

It took only a few minutes, but when I inspected the vanity, my heart resumed its normal pace. I couldn't resist caressing the cold stone. It was beautiful and perfect once again.

The first day I had visited this house, before moving away from home to start college, I had to make an effort to keep my jaw in place. I was sure few students could say they would live in such luxury accommodations. I was lucky.

When Lily offered me the spare room in her house, I was content just knowing that mom approved of my future roommate, and that I would be living far enough from the campus to be away from the confusion and distractions of academic life.

Yes, I was more than grateful to Lily... and her very rich, guilty-driven father.

Smoothing my mint green top, I picked up my purse from the bed and walked towards the kitchen. Lily was leaning against the cabinets, a glass of orange juice in hand.

"Freshly pressed." She offered the information and the glass at the same time.

"Thank you. I thought you had the day off today. After all the extra work you had to do on the weekend."

"I do. But I figured I couldn't let you out in your big day without wishing you good luck."

I smiled.

"... and that insanely handsome guy is moving in today to the flat above us. I thought I would give him a hand."

In my mind, I rolled my eyes, trying to concentrate on the nice, sweet juice Lily made. I always imagined mom's face if she heard Lily's comments. She talked so highly of her cousin's daughter...

True that at age 27 Lily was building a solid career as a lawyer. Even if her father's connections got her the opportunity, I had to admit she was serious about her job. She spoke passionately about it, and one could tell she had a real thirst for making justice ran its course. What mom didn't know was that Lily had a similar thirst for hard liquor and men drooling at her feet... not necessarily in that order.

"Thanks for the juice, anyway."

"Maybe you get to meet hot neighbor later."

"That's not really on my mind at the moment" I answered, noticing Lily pushed in my direction a plate with my favorite dark cereal bread.

"It is in mine, and if everything goes according to plan, by the end of the day he will be in other places as well."

"Now I know for sure I can't eat breakfast, so thanks for that." I rose from the table, knowing my cheeks would be tinted red, and Lilly was going to mock me about it.

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