Chapter Nine

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Ally wakes up, her head laying on something warm. More like someone. She looks up, seeing the dark hair. It was Kibum, who was fast asleep with his back against the wall. She quietly moves away, a sharp pain going through her head again.

She reaches over to her bedside table, noticing that they were in her room. She grabs her phone, and presses the home button. The white numbers flash back at her, the brightness almost too much to handle. 2:15. She must have passed out shortly after everything. She slowly climbs out of the bed, not to wake the sleeping human beside her.

Ally makes her way to the bathroom and shuts the door behind her, slowly. She turns the sink on and splashes some water onto her face. A sigh of relief leaves her lips but the slight pain still remains. She turns the light off before leaving, making her way out and pass the bed. She quietly walks out of the room, trying her best not to wake anyone up as she goes down the stairs.

She reaches the kitchen, hoping no one is awake but lucks not her side when she sees Jimin and Hoseok. She doesn't bother going back, walking into the kitchen. The two look up from their phones, having been busy looking at them while at the table. "Ally? Are you okay?" The silver haired one asks, standing up and making his way to her side. She nods, gently pushing him away.

"It's just a small ache now. I will be okay." The two nod but don't sound convinced. She makes her way to the fridge, looking for something to drink. She just settles with a bottle of water and sits down at the table. She doesn't feel tired, more like her entire body aches. The energy seems to be drained from her but she can't sleep. She unscrews the lid of the water, letting her mind think back to everything.

The voice sounded so familiar, but she isn't sure where she heard it from. That brings her back to the nightmares she had before coming to SHINee World. She did not think the place from her dreams was a real place. She still doesn't believe this place is real. A place for idols to rest and get away from the real world. It doesn't seem like an utopia for them anymore though. This creation of hate has seem to make something bad. Something that is after the happiness of the fans and idols.

She lets out a shaky breath, finding that her hands are shaking and the faint voices of the two idols can be heard. She finally snaps back to reality, her eyes landing onto the two dancers. "Ally? Is everything okay?"

She hesitates, before nodding. She chews on the inside of her cheek as she thinks. She really wanted to ask, but was afraid of their reactions. She lets out a deep breath, deciding to just ask the question and deal with the consequences. "Does the name Keres ring a bell?" The question is out, her eyes looking between the two.

The color seems to leave both Hoseok and Jimin's faces. The younger grips onto the cup in his hand while the other seems scared to answer the question. "Where did you hear that name?" It wasn't the two in front of her who asked the question. The person walks around, sitting down in a chair at the table. Minho raises an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest. He didn't seem mad her, more like concerned. He wants to know how the name of the villain just escaped her lips and she hasn't been here but a few days.

She takes a another drink of her water, her throat suddenly feeling parched. She sits the bottle back down, knowing it would be best to let them know.

"From a nightmare. Before I was brought here, to SHINee World."

That makes the knight leans forward, "Did they ever hurt you in those nightmares?" She shakes her head, but a flash of what she saw in dreams is present in her mind now. Her head starts to ache once more, her eyes going to Minho's. "Do you mind sharing one of them with us? If it isn't too painful."

A shaky breath comes out of her mouth. She mentally prepares herself for the one she wants to tell. She feels a hand on her shoulder as someone sits down by her. She looks up, seeing Jonghyun. He gives her a small smile. The loud screeching of another chair fills the room as two others sit down, waiting for her. Taemin and Key both had joined too, giving her a look of reassurance. She finally feels a bit at ease, beginning to recount the memories of the nightmare.

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