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"I didn't think I'd be this nervous. In a two hours...fuck," Kibum runs his fingers through his hair, looking into the mirror. Ally stands beside him, rubbing his back in encouragement.

"He's just as nervous. It's going to be okay."

The months had gone by quickly. She had graduated with her bachelors degree and was more than relieved to be done. She managed to get SHINee at her graduation, the five wanting to see her walk across the stage. It made her happy to see them out in the crowd. She couldn't see their smiles due to the masks covering their faces but she knows they were smiling. After the ceremony, they had taken her out to eat and spent time with her. It gave her more time with Jinki, which made her even more happy.

By the end of June, she had officially moved into her new place in Seoul. It was close to Jinki's apartment, he had purposely looked up a place for her to stay in and made sure it was affordable rent for her. When he officially introduced her to the fans, everyone accepted her. Except the few haters, but that's normal.

She got along with all five, being more than happy for Kibum and Jonghyun. Of course, she was dragged along on two different days to decide on suits. She also was the chosen one for planning their wedding. It was going to be in SHINee World. Mainly because gay marriages are not accepted still in Korea. They had the upper hand in the event.

She's pulled some strings, finding a officiant they could trust in their safe place and other things. She did the planning in between working her new job, Jonghyun constantly telling her not to stress over the minor details so much. She simply told him to go away and the she was okay. Ally planned for them to have the wedding around the end of September.

Maybe September 30th but she hasn't set in stone. She needed to know their schedules first. Eventually, it became the set date. She made sure to tell the other idols, wanting them to mark the day so they could be off too. In her own offense, she will be glad when it's over so she can relax.

At one point, Jinki had finally come over. He had been busy writing his own songs and found time to be at her side. It was a pleasant surprise seeing her boyfriend at the door. He had leg himself in, holding up a bag of takeout. The two sat in the living room, watching a drama and talking while they ate. It was very nice to be in his presence. He thought the same. After a few episodes, the two went to bed and cuddled. Nothing more. Nothing less.

As time slowly approached the wedding, she was busy once more. She spent the week before hanging up decorations with help from other idols. Taemin and Minho also helped, wanting to make it perfect for their band members.

That led them to now, Kibum panicking about how it will go. Ally is simply amused, watching him panic and so was Minho. The rapper leaned against the wall, dressed for the occasion and watching his friend panic over minor things. Finally, he walks over and places his hands onto the elder's shoulders.

"Kibum, breathe. Nothing in this world is going to make Jonghyun say no. He loves you, very much. That's not going to change. From the moment you two asked each other to be boyfriends, he never found a reason to be unhappy with you. So, stop panicking," he squeezes his shoulders and smiles. The elder sniffles, taking the other two by surprise. He rarely tears up in any occasion so this worried them. "Thank you, Minho."

The other smiles softly, pulling him into a hug and careful not to mess his suit or very little make up that he has on.

"I'm only here to support you both. You have no reason to be crying. He loves you, Kibum. Very much." He pats his back softly, offering reassurance.

Ally watches the two with a fond smile. She quietly excuses herself. She ended up turning the outside of the tree house into the small venue. It took a lot of work but that's where everyone had visited before. It was the first place she arrived at as well. It took a while to get everything right and a lot of restless nights, but here they were.

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