Chapter Fifteen

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A few days go by, leaving time for everyone to rest. They were all at the White King's Kingdom, plenty of room for everyone. Plus, it gave Jin more mouths to feed. He enjoyed cooking so it didn't matter to him.

Ally is currently sitting in a chair out in the garden. Her mind still trying to grip onto the fact that she has abilities. She had been working on controlling them so she would not pass out the next time it came to face Keres. She thinks for a moment, wondering if she is able to do something different. She closes her eyes, forming a shield in her mind. A sudden sound of someone dropping something has her opening her eyes.

Taemin stands in front of her, his eyes wide. It was not in fear but amazement. "How did you- what.. that's so cool!" He runs up to her. Her own eyes widen in fear, shaking her head at him. "Taemin, stop!" She yells, trying to keep him back. It's too late. He runs into the visible shield, which throws him back. She immediately lets the shield down, running to him and checking on him.

He lets out a groan, laying there for a moment. "I should've listened." He slowly sits up with the help of Ally. "Are you okay?" She asks, checking him for any injuries. He nods, "it just knocked the air out of me. I'm okay. Calm down." Moments after, the two hear other people making their way over. The man sighs, knowing it was probably his hyungs coming to check on them.

He is right, seeing Jonghyun along with Key and Minho walking over. "What happened?" Ally rubs the back of her neck as she stands up straight. She tries to think of a way to explain what happened. "He ran into a shield that I made with my mind?" She tilts her head to the side, more of a question to both them and herself.

"Yes! It was so cool! You guys should have seen it," Taemin exclaims, not at all out of breath from earlier. The three look at her, confusion written on her face. She lets out a sigh, stepping away from the group to have some room. She closes her eyes once more, focusing on creating the shield. A forcefield that would protect her friends.

Her eyes open as she hears the others let out gasps and exclamations of surprise

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Her eyes open as she hears the others let out gasps and exclamations of surprise. She watches as Jonghyun gently touches the blue shield. "I see why Hyung trusts her so much. She's different. A good kind of different." A smile forms on her lips as she lets the shield disappear. She stumbles back, dizziness washing over.

Someone's hand rests on her lower back, catching her. "But something that she needs to work on and control. Right now, it's going to use too much energy for her to do at any given time," a voice speaks up from behind. The White King steps up beside her, helping her stand. "Thank you, Namjoon." He looks down at her to give her a small smile then looks at the others. "Lunch is ready if you all want to head inside. You know how Seokjin is if he's kept waiting." The group heads inside. Ally starts to follow after them but is stopped by a hand on her arm. "Can we speak?" He asks, giving her a look. She nods, following the king into the garden.

"I found some horses! They aren't injured and in good health," San comes jogging back over, a bandaged wrapped around the top of his head. The group managed to find some first aid supplies. The knights and king taking care of one another. Yoongi's leg was still hurt pretty bad, most likely sprained but thankfully, not broken. The others had minor injuries, but despite the concussion that San mostly likely had, here he is. Jogging. Hongjoong rolls his eyes, grabbing the vocalist by the arm, firm but gentle. "Stop jogging or running like an idiot. You're hurt. You can walk."

The younger nods, scared of their leader too much to argue. "Anyway, I figured Yoongi Hyung should take one of the horses due to his leg. It will help tremendously on his behalf." The leader of the group nods, walking over to where the king sat. "San found a few horses. You should use one of them for your leg." The ravenette nods, standing up.

He follows them to the stable, finding the few horses available. He walks inside, finding them ready. "Let's head towards the White Kingdom then." Everyone nods, the injured getting onto the horses. He leads the way, taking the path with the less destruction.

We are coming, guys. Just hold on a bit longer.

His grip tightens on the reins and they set off on their journey.


"What is it that you need to speak about?" She asks, concern etched onto her face. She's afraid that she has caused harm to someone or everyone. She still blames herself for what happened to Yoongi and Ateez. Although Jonghyun has told her multiple times that's not the case.

He clears his throat, bringing her out of her thoughts. "Yoongi and the knights are alive. They are heading home at this moment." A smile spreads across her face at the news, joy filling her body. "Do you know when they will return?"

He shrugs, not so sure himself. "They started this way two days ago. Possibly either tomorrow or the day after if there is no delay." She lets out a thankful sound. "As long as they arrive here safely, that's all that matters," she states, feeling so much better at the thought. "But..", Namjoon speaks up, a look of worry and anger crossing his face, "we might have to make a move to start looking for Jinki Hyung soon. We will wait until they get back, but we have to start digging for more clues." She nods, agreeing.

Keres will not wait for them. They will be ready to attack again. Determination runs through her mind as she thinks. She will have to work on controlling her abilities so she can start helping them. She cannot let them down, it's her job to find the leader of SHINee. That will be another step to saving everyone and their safe place.

"I won't let you down, Namjoon. You've never let Army down and now it's my turn to help you and the others. You have my word," she looks up at the king, a smile on her lips but a fire in her eyes. It's her time to shine for herself, SHINee World and the rest of the fans of the idols. Namjoon gives her a smile back and places a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently.

"I doubt you one bit, Ally."


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Word count: 1,142

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