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I woke up and heard banging on my door. I looked over at my phone it read 8:56. Someone was knocking on my door so I went over to my door and opened it to see Cara stood there.

"Margot don't tell me you've only just woken up" Cara giggled.

"Um yeah I have I must have slept in"

"We'll hurry up we've got a taxi downstairs ready to leave in 2 minutes"

Oh great.

"Ok I'll be down in a minute" I said running in my room and shutting the door.

I chucked on some spare clothes, brushed my hair and was out the door.

I stumbled across the hallway and ran towards the elevator running in just as the doors shut.

"Hey what's the rush" Jared looked over at me and chuckled.

"Umm..well let's see I woke up 3 minutes ago to Cara banging on my door telling me I was gonna be late, so I've not had chance to dress nice, do my hair or put on makeup" I said messing around with my bag.

"I look like a mess" I mumbled to myself.

"You look fine Margot, trust me" he gave me a reassuring smile.



I looked at my outfit. Was he being nice? I'm wearing an old T-shirt, some sweatpants and some sneakers.

Tom never called me pretty unless I was wearing tight dresses and showing skin, but I wasn't doing that so why did he say that? He probably doesn't mean it anyway.

The elevator opened and we both stepped out and walked towards the car that stood outside.
Cara was calling us from the car.

"Come on you two snails" Cara shouted

"Coming jeez" Jared chuckled speeding up his pace past the paparazzi stood outside.

Jared jumped in the car and gave me his hand helping me in.


When we pulled up to the shoot we met David and got taken to our trailers to try on our costumes for the first time. I've not really had a proper look at the costume yet.

I walked into my trailer and flopped down in the makeup chair before putting on some music.

After about 2 hours I was growing inpatient and I started tapping my fingers on the desk to distract myself. I found I was never patient growing up.

"I'll be right back I just have to go get your boots" one of my makeup producers said walking out of the trailer.

After she left I began twirling round in my chair singing one of my favourite songs.

"Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me?"

Eventually I ended up pouring my lungs out and the trailer became a concert.

"And all the people say you can't wake up, this is not a dream!"

I spun around to see Jared stood in the doorway in full joker makeup looking at me.

"Not bad" Jared slow clapped.

I quickly spun round turning the music off in embarrassment. I had always been ok at singing but I never showed anyone.

"Oh uh..David wanted me to come see if your ready"

I glanced around looking for my makeup producer. Where is she?

"Uhh yeah I'm just waiting for.." but i was interrupted by her walking through the door.
"That" I finished grabbing the boots. "I'll be out in 5"

"Ok" Jared walked out the door shutting it behind him.

After getting my boots on I carefully walked over to the photo shoot we were having. I'm gonna have to get used to walking in these heels, they're massive!

I walked over to David who was telling the group where they needed to be.

"Ok so we need Margot and Jared over their to do some couple shots together and then we need the squad over here doing individual ones"

David walked us both over and stood behind the camera watching us.

We did a couple different shots and angles together before we got the word that we were no longer needed.

"Alright guys that's good, Margot you need to go and do some squad photos now and Jared your done for the day" David said looking at the photos.

"Ughhh" I mumbled rubbing my eyes. I hadn't slept too well last night especially with the whole keycard business.

I rolled my head back to see Jared giving me a fake pouty face.

"Someone tired M?"

A smile crept onto my face and I stuck my tongue out at him before walking over to the squad.

Jared chuckled to himself taking off his jacket and walking back to his trailer.

Me and the squad took some photos before getting changed and sitting together in the lounge area.

Me and Cara came up with a nickname for it the "Crazy Quarters" it was stupid but we thought it was funny considering most of us were playing either psychopaths or sociopaths.


"Wait so what are you saying M?" Cara asked she was getting excited. She loved gossip.

"I don't know he's a really sweet guy and I think I need to get to know him better but I just have that feeling you know."

Me and Cara had gotten really close over the last couple of days. We just understand each other and she's so much fun to be around.

"What are you guys talking about?" I jumped turning round to see Jared stood their with a huge smile on his face.

"Jared for gods sake don't do that" I said playfully punching his arm.

"Sorry M, I had too"

He came and sat himself down next to me when David walked into the room.

"Ok guys I've decided that to get you guys to bond more and to improve your relationships for filming your all going to talk to each other about your life"

He picked a notepad up off the coffee table before reading out the group sessions.

"Joel, Viola, Jay, Jai, Will, Karan, Cara and Margot you will all do a squad one together and Jared you'll also be having a session together with Margot"

I glanced over at Jared trying not to look too excited. This is exactly what I needed to get to know him better.

I'll text you all the address soon" he said turning to leave the room.

Yes finally some alone time with Jared.

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