- Eighteen -

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Feeling a bright light on my eyes, I opened my eyes Immediately blinded and covered my face.

I slowly removed Jared's hand from my waist, making my way over to the balcony window and decided to open the door.

I leaned on the steel railing and admired the sun coming up over the buildings of Italy. I still can't believe that he brought me here, it really is a beautiful place.

As I admired the stunning sunrise, coming up over the ocean, I carefully watched the boats going out to sea and the people walking along the coast.

From where Jared had been on holiday in the past, I expected him to pick somewhere away from the city. He's always loved nature and the outdoors.

I felt some cold hands circle my waist and smiled as I took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.

This morning was amazing, I really needed a little break from the city.

"It's beautiful" I said as we both stood there, looking over the city like we ruled the world.

"Yeah...the view is amazing too" I turned round and placed my hands around his neck.

"Can you stop being so cheesy all the time" I giggled.

"It's true though" he smiled. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked, as we both walked back into the room, both sitting down.

"You want me to pick?"

"Yeah, what do you want to do?" He encouraged, as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

"Ummm...can we go to the beach?" I asked, a sudden burst of energy striking me.

"Of course we can, go on, go get ready" he said and I rushed over to my suitcase, picking out my outfit.

I eventually put on some shorts and a bodysuit along with a denim jacket.

When we finally got ready, we both made our way out of the hotel and began walking through the towns, to the beach.

We eventually got there and placed our towels out across the sand, laying down on them.

I just laid there, in peace, letting my skin soak up the rays of the sun. We both laid there for a while before he turned to me.

"I'm bored" He said.

I turned to him, taking off my sunglasses.

"You're always bored when you're not working J" I giggled. "Just relax"

"But I can't" he moaned. "Come on, let's go for a walk" he suddenly got up, grabbing his phone.

"Fine" I gave in as he gave me his hand, helping me up. "I'm not getting wet though"
I said, giving him a stern finger.

"We'll see" he said, giving me a smirk. We started walking down the pavement, looking across at the waves crashing and everyone having fun.

My attention was suddenly redirected when I saw a group of paparazzi following someone and completely surrounding them.

One eventually moved out of the way, and I got a clear view of who it was. Our eyes suddenly locked and a shiver ran through my spine as i immediately stopped.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jared asked before he followed my eyes and glared at who I was looking at.

"Come on let's go" I murmured, trying to pull Jared the other way but he stayed still, standing his ground.

"No" he murmured, just loud enough to hear.

"What? What do you mean n-" I was interrupted as he grabbed my face, suddenly slamming his lips onto mine.

My actions were hesitant as I slowly placed my hands around his neck, pulling his body to mine. Our lips battled it out, his tongue asking for entrance and confidently, I accepted.

He slowly caressed my cheek as I let our lips separate, glancing into each others eyes, as we heaved against each other's lips.

"Are you sure?" I asked, hesitance in my voice. I wasn't sure if he wanted our relationship public yet and with all of these cameras around, something was bound to come out.

He responded by reconnecting our lips and suddenly grabbing my thigh, lifting it up to our waist level. He softly began caressing it as I backed myself into the stone wall behind me. Eventually we broke away and I smiled.

Our foreheads rested against each other's as our breathing steadied. I quickly glanced over at Tom who was answering questions, occasionally giving us both a death glare over his shoulder.

I just let out a soft giggle as I turned back to Jared, letting him peck my lips one more time before we continued walking.

We eventually walked back towards the beach and I picked up my towel, placing it around my neck.

Jared glanced down at his phone, quickly reading a text. I looked around the beach when my eyes landed on an ice cream shop.

"Babe" I said, kind of murmuring it.

"Yeah?" He glanced up from his phone before placing it in his pocket.

"Can we get ice cream?"

"Sure, come on" he smiled as he grabbed my hand before we both began walking to the ice cream shop.

We approached the cashier and I glimpsed down, scanning the different flavours of ice cream.

"What do you want?" He asked, caressing my hand with his thumb.

"Umm...Salted caramel" I said, looking back up at him with joy in my eyes.

"Ok can we have a salted caramel and a vegan vanilla cone please"

"Ok sir that's €7.50 please" he said and Jared handed over the money, taking the ice cream and passing me my cone.

"Yay" I smiled, licking my ice cream.

He let out a light chuckle and pulled me close to his side, his arm around my back as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Come on" We walked over to a bench, taking a seat next to each other, his arm around me.

I beamed out, looking over the ocean and the waves crashing on the beach.

I felt a sudden cold sensation on my nose, breaking me out of my trance and I smirked across at Jared who gave me the same look back.

"What?" He asked, innocently before he pecked me on the nose, making me let out a giggle.

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