- Seventeen -

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I got woken up to someone lightly shaking me and opening my eyes I saw Jared sat next to me on the bed.

"Hey" he said and I glanced over at the window, looking at the pitch black sky.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, sitting up and resting my back on the headboard.

"4am" I slowly started pulling the blanket over my head, groaning. "We're going away" he said quickly.

I let the cover fall on the bed and looked at him in shock.

"What?" I questioned.

"Well David told us yesterday that we're not filming for a couple days so I thought that we could go somewhere, what do you say?"

I just looked at him in shock, suddenly lunging myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Really, where?" I asked, excited.

"You'll have to find out" he smirked as he got up. "We're leaving soon, you gonna get ready?"

"Yep" I said, walking towards the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and finished getting ready, flinging all of my clothes in my suitcase. Chucking on some sweatpants and a shirt we both made our way out the door to the car.

Jared chucked the suitcases in the back and hopped in, driving to the airport.

After a we got there, quickly moving through security we eventually bordered the plane. We both sat down and waited for the plane to take off.

"Can you just please tell me where we're going" I begged, turning to him.

He just looked at me with the biggest grin on his face.

"Never" he said and turned to his phone as we set off.

I just looked out of the window at the city below, resting my head on my arm.

The ride was long and I eventually fell asleep only to be woken up at what felt like only minutes later, by someone stroking my cheek and a soothing voice.

"M, come on" he said, and I groaned, adjusting my uncomfortable position, trying to get in a more comfortable one.

I eventually gave up and opened my eyes, turning my head in his direction.

"Hey" I whispered, pinching the ridge of my nose between my eyes.

"Hey sleepy head" he smiled. "We're landing soon, you ok?" He asked when he saw the distressed look on my face.

"It's nothing, I just get flight sickness" I said and he just grabbed my hand as the plane went down.

The plane landed and we both got our bags, making our way out of the airport.

"I already booked us a car" he said, turning the street and walking up to a big black car. A man walked out and chucked our bags in the back as we both got in the car.

The driver started driving us to the hotel when I looked out of the window, recognising a famous landmark. The leaning tower of Pisa.

"Italy!" I screamed, quickly turning to him. He just nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss.

"Well I've always loved Italy and I overheard in one of you conversations with Cara that you've always wanted to go, so I figured why not"

When we finally pulled up the the hotel, we grabbed our bags from the back and Jared checked us in before we made our to the elevator.

We let the doors shut and I turned to him.

"I still can't believe you did this" I said as I shot him a smirk.

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