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I strolled down the sidewalk and towards the 'secret location' that David had given me too meet up at. Luckily it wasn't too far away from the hotel.

I had text Jared prior and told him to meet their at 7.

Over these last couple of days the squad and I have gotten really close. It's a shame Jared wasn't filming with us more.

I turned a corner and looked up at a sign above a door. 'The Violet Hour' Guess this is it. I opened the door walking into the building, it was a bar.

I looked around to see if I could see Jared. I was looking when I heard a voice behind me.

"Excuse me miss, can I help you?" I spun round and saw a bartender looking at me smiling.

"Um yes table for 2 please" I might as well get a table while I wait.

"Right this way" she said walking off.

I sat down at the booth I had been brought too and took out my phone.

Whilst scrolling through Instagram I got a text from Jared.

-Text messages-

Jared - Sorry I'm late will be their in 5

Margot - Ok

I put my phone back in my bag and saw a waitress come over.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She said holding her notepad.

"Umm do you guys do wine?"

"Yes we do. White or red?"

"Red is fine thanks"

"Anything else?" she asked scribbling on her notepad.

Oh god. Should I order something for Jared? But what would he like? Beer? Wine? Water?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Jared walking towards the table.

He sat down opposite me and smiled.

"A water please" he finished glancing up at the bartender

The waitress nodded before walking away.

"Sorry I'm so late I just got held up in the studio" he said setting his phone in his pocket.

"Oh don't worry it's fine I'm usually the one that's late"

"Well looks like you have some competition" he gave me a playful smirk.

The waitress came back over. "Here's you wine and your water" the lady said placing down the drinks. "Anything else?"

"We're fine thanks" Jared said politely.

She gave us another nod leaving the table.

I took a sip of the drink before glancing over at him.

"So I just have to ask, why water?" I gave him a curious look. No guy I had ever gone out with ordered 'just water'.

"Why wine?" He replied.

"It was mine and my moms favourite back home, we used to order it every time we would go out." I smiled remembering the memories. "Soooo..."

"Never been a big fan of alcohol to be honest, plus I don't want to be shooting tomorrow with a hangover"

"Fair" I said sipping my wine.

We talked for another hour or so about our backgrounds, family life and movies that we'd previously been in. Jared was so funny, their was never a boring moment whilst we were talking. He was so interesting, his band, his acting career and the things he's done. He's done it all.

"Yeah I mean it's nice and all to not have someone to hold you back I guess but it does get lonely sometimes. Anyways what's your dating history like?" Jared said putting his glass on the table.

My thoughts now stopped and spiralled back to my last relationship. I froze as I thought about all the things that he had done, that had happened.

"Tom" i muttered under my breath. I don't know if Jared heard or not.

"Margot, you ok?" He sounded really concerned.

I couldn't bring myself to look up at him though. My mind was going as I got flashbacks from everything that had happened.

I began sobbing quietly a single tear ran down my cheek. It all came running back to me, the memories I hoped to never see again.

I couldn't hold my tears back and suddenly had them streaming down my face. I remained quiet though not wanting to cause a scene.

I quickly got up and began walking to the bathroom before I had a complete breakdown.
Jared didn't hesitate to get up after me though.

"Margot, Margot!" Jared called out from behind me.

I almost made it to the bathroom when he walked in front of me causing me to stop.
"Margot, what did he do to you?"

I stood looking down at him. I didn't want him to see what a mess I was.
"Hey.." he said raising my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"Talk to me...please" he begged.

"I..I....Iiiii" but before I could get anything out Jared grabbed me pulling me close to him.
My head leaned against his warm chest as I sobbed wanting the memories to go away.

"Shhhh" Jared said as he caressed the top of my head. He knew that's what calms me down.

We stood their for a good 10 minutes with Jared playing with my hair until I had calmed down. God he was so nice, but why was he being this nice? Does he feel bad for me?

Once I had stopped Jared pulled away slightly looking down at me.
"I think it's time to leave"

"Yeah" I replied  glancing up at him. That's all i could get out.

"Come on I'll drive you back" he said guiding me out of the restaurant and to his car.

When we stepped outside it was pitch black. What time is it?

Jared opened the car door for me as I got in and went over to his side starting the car.

The drive back was silent as I wanted it to be. I didn't know what to say and apparently neither did he.

I stared out the window looking at my reflection. I noticed he kept glancing over at me, just for a few seconds at a time. Wow does he really care?

When we got back the floors were dead silent on the way up too our rooms.

When we got to our rooms which faced each other we both stopped. Jared turned to face me.

"I'm sorry M" he said looking up at me.

"It's ok" I said giving him a small smile.

He walked up to me giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight" he whispered.


We both looked at each other once more before walking into our hotel rooms.

I took my jacket off throwing it on a chair that sat in the corner before lying on my bed, looking out at the streets of Chicago.

I still can't believe what he did. He actually cared about me, and I cared about him. Do...do I love him?

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