- Nine -

70 4 1

I slowly opened my eyes glancing down at my phone reading 6:30. I gradually sat up and looked around the room. I don't remember waking up here.

I felt Jared stirring next to me, before his eyes eventually opened. He grabbed my hand, sweetly kissing it before getting up.

He made his way over to the vanity, fixing his hair.

"Where's Cara?" I asked. The last thing I remember from yesterday was me and Cara talking in the hallway.

"She's probably in her room, sleeping. You fell asleep in the hallway and I brought you back up"

"Oh...thanks" I sweetly smiled to myself, biting my bottom lip at the thought of him carrying me to bed.

He lightly kissed my forehead. "It's my job" making his way into the bathroom, I walked over to the vanity to get ready.

I finished my makeup and chucked on some clothes before flopping onto the bed.

"What scene are we even doing today?" i opened the groupchat and began scrolling through the messeges.

He slowly emerged from the bathroom, trying to put on a shirt in the process.

"As far as i know, only the jester dancing scene but we're doing some seperate scenes inbetween" i nodded and picked up my bag.

We both headed to the elevator, walking out of the hotel. Confused looks both fell on our faces as we realised there was no paparazzi.

We both shot confused looks at each other "Well I'm not complaining" Jared chuckled, walking to the car.


We both got out of the car and made our way over to the lounge area. Walking in we noticed everyone else was already there.

"There's Jargot" Will announced turning the attention to us both. Everyone looked around with smiles on their faces.

"Aww that's cute guys" i smiled glancing up at Jared who was doing the same.

"Hey M come here for a minute" Cara said motioning for me to sit down beside her.

I looked up at Jared, silently waiting for his response.

"What? Of course you can, your not going anywhere, right?" He smirked. I just smiled and made my way over to the girls.

"You have no idea what you missed this morning" she pulled out her phone and started searching for something.

Oh god what is it? She eventually showed me her phone and I gasped, covering my mouth.

"Jai literally chased David around the parking lot NAKED" Karan giggled. "I'm still traumatised"

While laughing I glanced over at the boys and noticed them playfully arguing with Jai. Must be about the same thing. Jared looks amused at least.

The door suddenly opened and David walked in with a notepad in his hand.

"Right stop your little giggle-fest and go get ready for your scenes" he smirked, quickly exiting again.

We all made our way to our trailers, giggling like little children.


I looked in the mirror and smiled, adjusting my jester hat. This costume was extremely tight.

I made my way out of the trailer and started walking past everyone else's trailers.

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