Chapter 1:welcome to the scp or the smp

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Third person pov

Today was first day for the new scientists Tommy and George. Both are friends and are British 🇬🇧, they stepped by the front door and came on, they went to their new room had four beds since they'll be sharing a room with some scientists that been here longer than them. They talked and gave them a tour and gave them their scps that they're looking after.




Tommy:scp-5r5t and t9m545o

Tommy:wait I have to deal, with too! This is bull sh-


Sykkunno:Don't worry, you and George are new so they won't hurt you besides all of our scps(that they have to look after) will hurt someone if they hurt them.
(That's how I do it, VwV)

George:okay this should be fine.

Tommy:first day at the smp!


Tommy:S.afe M.ob P. lace

George:makes sense

Later with Tommy

Tommy's pov

I walk down with george to see our scps sense ours are close like straight across (how convenient). I met a few others they seemed friendly enough. Their names were Wilbur, Nikki, tubbo and jack. They were nice and trust worthy. When we got to our scp's room, me and George saw some scientists walking out of the rooms of our scps and they were all scratch and bruise up. They probably got beaten up and injeted something in them, welp they probably did something wrong to them(scps).
As we go to our assisted rooms, we decided to look at Georges first before I went to mine. When we went to George's room, I stood behind the glass, and watched George walk to the room. And all I see was a little white blob.

George:aww, a little squishams

George just hugged that thing. For some reason I got this odd vibe that I know this blob but where. George walked back to the room and he's carrying that blob thing.

George:why would the doctors be afraid of this cute thing. I wanna keep this.

The weird blob looked at me, it creepy.

George:do you wanna hold him?

Tommy:nuuuu! It's weird!

George:but cute!

I sighed and walked off to the room that I'm assigned to, strangely the windows are cracked and painted black ⚫.  As I opened the door to the inside I saw two men, they look like twins in my pov. They look at me and heck their eyes were white and creepy. I saw one walking towards me, I turned my head and closed my eyes. I was scared as all hell. I felt a hand on my back, I shivered then I felt something breathing by my face. The breathing gotten close until lips were on me. I tried to get my hands to pull away but that back fired with a pair of hands hold on mine. I was running out of air so I pull away and looked at the kisser bitch. It was one of the twins. They both had brown hair and tanish skin.  And some what sunglasses. The only difference is the eyes. The kisser bitch is the brown eyes and the other white.

???:A-are you o-okay  

Tommy:*high pitch scream*

I fell backwards but the arms caught me and hold me bridal style. The one with brown eyes was the one who caught me. I was shaking because well.... a fucking 7'0 foot man is carrying me while the other is fangirling.

???:did not know that humans jump a lot.


Tommy:who the Frick are you!?

???x2:oh darling we are the twins of mischief and let's just say play nice and no harming us okay?

Tommy:heheheh, wasn't planning on too.

???:oh hush, don't listen to him. Sorry the past ones were a bit of a...



Tommy:welp, I don't blame you, sy and bad told me and meh friend that y'all hurt others if they you guys.


Tommy:and I respect that. V^V

???x2:at least you respect that.

Tommy:can please put me down now?

???:why, you seem tired.

Some strange mist came in my nose. My body wasn't moving. The thing I see are brown eyes then black.

Third person pov

???x2:did you really have to do that?

???:yes and I don't regret it besides I think I grown fond of keeping this one alive, heheh.

???x2:oh God, I know that face. You can't keep him.

???:but he's so light and cute. And a bit cursing. My type. (6 3 6)

???x2:you do you,  I'll just try to think of something else then your pleb nugget.

The brown eye man teleoported to a corner a queen size bed that had no blanket only pillow and frame. The brown eye man putted down Tommy and decided to inspect  the male for a bit. He was blond with a pale tan skin, the skin was solf as silk. The man didn't want to let him go so he took his(Tommy's) hand and lay together. As they hours flew by George check on Tommy for just incase and saw him sleeping with a scp. While the white blob was on his(George) head (lol). George was snickering and decided to take a photo.

George:heheh, Tommy be ready for this one.

End of chapter one.


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