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Dream's pov

After me and George got back to our room George kinda was silent on the way back.

Dream:I-is G-George mad?

George:no I'm not mad, it just you look familiar to someone I miss

Then a rang of static noise went through my head and my ears were hurting.

George:Dream! What wrong?!

I fainted into black abyss.


I was floating in a black where nothing was there. Then a screen was there. Then it started playing like a T.V. It showed George but it's someone's pov. And they look like they're young. Then,

???:big bro!

A little blond boy with blue eyes came running towards. And went and hugged the person in first.

???:can we please go to the playground?

Pif(person in first):alright but go ask dad.


Pif:looks like I have to go, bai Georgie.

George:gud bai.....


I opened my eyes and yet I was still in my form and yet George was hugging me all worried. I putted my hand on his head and patted.

Dream:don't worry George I'm here.

George looked at me in tears.

George:i thought you were gone!!

Dream:it's okay Georgie I'm here and yet I got a little past when you were young.

Tommy:ey George it's our time to go and-

Dream:oh hey Tommy how's dadza?

And yet Tommy was suprise as well.

Dream:Tommy it's me your big bro, hehehahaha

Tommy:Clay!! I miss you :'(

Dream:there li'l bro, but isn't it your time to go before they catch you?

Tommy:oh sh*t,  good come on!

George:but, but

Tommy:now you prick

And yet Tommy grabbed his hands and pulled him and yet George was still suprise but also was about to cry in happiness but he looked tired as well so can't complain. I waved as a good bai. I wonder if I to sleep maybe more will come in. Let's try.

End of chapter 6.

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