9.the attack

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??? Pov

Crap! Their starting to remember again, looks like I have to tell the boss. And I get the feeling that things aren't going to be pretty when we go into action.

The next day

Speaker:Dr.Tommy, sy, bad, Fundy, Wilbur, and George please go to the middle room. And bring your scps please.

Tommy:huh, thats odd but okay....

Bad:I wonder why they want us to bring our scps...

Sykkunno:nothing good I can imagine.

As the group walked to the middle room their were men in soldiers suits all around.  They scps can sense something bad coming. Then a man in the suit came in.

???:well, well look at these ones.

The took a look the scps. The oldest scp can feel some danger.  

???:doctors do your scps feel a little sting in them now.

The scps quickly shielded the doctors as if something was to happen.

???:whoa, whoa, whoa calm down now. Let's not get hissy shall we but men....


The soldiers are not firing the bullets at them but that was just a distraction. 

???:men get them

Bad and George was grabbed from behind and they screamed to notify the others. 

Tommy:Skeppy, Dream got get them! We'll be at the end, go!

The two nodded and turned into monster terrifying form. Skeppy was now a diamond body man with sharp diamonds all over. He's like a spike ball now. And Dream turned into a goop like form with sharp teeth.  The two were unstoppable now. The two chased after the bad men.  The men still hold the scientist hostile with guns by their heads.

Man 1:don't come any closer or they get it.

Dream tried to think smart, he aimed for a stage light hanging over them without the two men noticing. And Skeppy threw a big crystal shard at another light like Dream did.

Man 2:heh, miss ass f**kers

Dream:I f**k @$$es


Dream:did I?

The two lights landed on their(the two men) and knock them out. Dream & Skep pick them up and head out of the exist where the others were waiting for.

Tommy:right here pussys

The group reunited but it didn't last long when a herd of men with guns started running towards them. There was no other way, it was the men and the cliff. Skeppy toke bad and jump off in the spike ball form to land but don't worry the two are inside of it. Philza took Wilbur, and tecno's hand and flew from the air. Eret toke Fundy and teleoported to ground. And then Dream was going for George but he accidentally token deo. But Tommy and George were powerless.  But then Tommy token George's hand.

Tommy:it was nice knowing you George.

George:wait, Tommy no!

Tommy leaped and now their falling.

The whole gang:NO!

》: >


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