4.scps meet with scientists

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After the shift was done the four scientists decided to plan a thing and probably meet the others.

The next day

After the four went to their assisted scps they got it all under control

With Bad 

"Okay Skeppy you wanna meet some friends?" I said.

My little diamond boi walked to me and hug my leg.  So cute.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said while picking him up and putting him on my shoulder.

I walked down to the room where we decided to meet up at. And waiting for them.

With Sykkunno

Sykkunno🌱:ooh corpse~ I need you for something

I see my little purple goop coming towards me and climb on my body. Sadly he went through my clothes and the coldness went through my cord. I shivered but walked out to the room and see bad with little diamond blue boi. I sitted down and waved to bad.

With George

Me and Tommy walked down tomour rooms and split. I bet he's gonna have a hard time getting those two out.  Went inside the room and saw Dream but instead of blob form he was in his monster form which he was in yesterday. 


He looked at me and went to blob form to shrink down only to be in my arms. He rubbed his face meaning he was happy to see me.

👓💙:okay smiley let's go to my friends. 

I walked to the room and putted Dream down when we got there. He hopped to the others. I wonder how's Tommy's doing.

with Tommy

Those f**king pr¡cks gave me the hardest job from the plan. How the f**k am I going to do this. Deo and Eret are bigger than me!! Maybe I can talk to them and see what happens. They love me, probably.

Tommy:ey bois

Deo looked at me with a smile, he was bout to walk but something else happened. He freaking teleoported to me but he was behind me and picked me up bridal style.  Eret looked at us and walked to us and whisper something to Deo's ear. Deo nodded and got close to Eret and then boom! We're at the room. That went easier than expected. The others looked me with a surprised face.

Tommy:suck it b**chs, also Deo put me down.

Deo nodded and putted Tommy down.

Tommy:thank you, now you two can and talk with the others. I'll go get food for y'all, okay

Deo agreed with a kiss, am I gay now? No, I like women.

Tommy:okay bye y'all.

Third person pov

When Tommy gone out the other scps started talking to each other.

Deo:so y'all scientists looks nice

Blob, goop& skep:--------


The turned into humanoid forms. The blob turned into a taller man with dirty blonde hair with a smile mask, with a white shirt and shorts. The purple goop turned into the same height as the blob but has black hair llama ears (one flopped down) teeth sharp a shark's teeth and purple drips from face (left side and mouth) and arms and wearing a black and purple shirt and shorts. Lastly but not least Skeppy as black hair diamond all over his body and wearing cyan shirt and shorts.

Blob, goop and skep:thxs yours too.

The two scps dropped their months with surprisness, while the scientists over at the table just blushed out while behind them at the door frame was Tommy dropped a sandwich🥪 he looked like he was about to cry.


Du du dun, T.B.C


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