14.brotherly love

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Dream's pov

Blackness swirl around me, I heard screams and more I couldn't think of.  Static noise came to me and then I saw a :( face ,

???:9'13 30M9147 for ¥○V

I woke up in me and George's bed, 2:00am in the morning, I went through the window and went to the nearby forest.  I took a deep breath and looked at the stars of above. Then a


I heard a twig snap behind me and there i saw a black figure with the same :( face, I was shocked, it turn into me but instead of dirty blonde he was red and brown haired.

???:so we finally meet again after all these years you son of b**ch. Let's be together again

Dream:the f*ck are you?!

???:aww don't remember your own brother


???:well, well looks like you need some "love". Just let me help you

Third person pov

A sharp toothy smile grew across it's face and
A sword that came out of nowhere was right in his hands. And Dream turned his hands into swords as well
(Now I'm thinking of Nanbaka now ŤvŤ)

???:heheh, let the battle begin

The battle was on going, swords clang and some cuts drove into the mans(dream) body and the other was scars and bleedbfrom the arm but it didn't stop. The figure jump high up and pointed its sword down and started twirling like a drill. Dream dodge it but he trip and he was on the ground.  The sword was now pointed at the neck of our fighter.

???:hehahaha! Looks like it's the end for you Clay, gud bye forever



The figure was now knock out by an outrageous slap but who did it, then in the moon light a ribbon like leather flow through the wind and-


Philza putted away his belt and apparently it was Philza's belt that knock him out. Then he dragged the body and putted it in the basement all tie up.

Philza:your gonna tell me what happened in the morning cause I'm too tired for this sh*t right now.

Drram:u-understand s-sir

Philza:gud, now gud night

Dream had one fear now


Never mess with Philza or his belt will come

End of chapter


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