Chapter 5

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This week has been crawling. Finally it's the weekend and I can get away from the stress and chaos of school. After finishing my homework Saturday morning, I grabbed some salmon and went to the forest. I stripped and neatly folded my clothes next to a rock and climbed an evergreen. Yes, it's not ideal for climbing, but the leaves are starting to fall and I like being hidden. Plus the strong pine smell helps camouflage my scent. So, nobody is able to find me. Seeing as my cat only weighs about 80lbs, the branches hold me quite well. Where it would be impossible for say a lion or tiger to climb this tree. Therefore, this is the safest place I could ever be.
I doze as I listen to the birds sing around me. As I wake up, my stomach growls, letting me know I need to eat. I climbed out of the tree and begin looking around. A badger, perfect. It's slow, but a big enough mean to satisfy my cat. I begin slowly creeping up to it. Just as it notices me, I sprint towards it. I plow straight into him knocking him over, and swiftly bite his throat. My teeth and mouth aren't necessarily strong enough to rip through his neck, but it's strong enough to crush his windpipe, and he's easily my next meal. The sprint exhausted me though, so I don't have the energy to eat yet. I need to lay and wait to catch my breath.
I lick his bleeding neck as I dream of how good he's going to taste. Unfortunately, today isn't my lucky day. An older lion sees me and snarls at me, letting me know he wants my food. I may be quick and agile, but even an older lion could easily beat me. So, I sadly slink off looking for my next meal. This is one of the unfortunate things about being a Cheetah, half of my meals go to feeding other cats. Or birds of prey. Really anyone. Sometimes I wonder if my cat would even run from a preteen. Probably, I'm not aggressive in any way.
After catching a older rabbit, I eat. Slightly disappointed that I didn't get to eat my badger. It was a much nicer meal. But rabbit is fine too. Really when you're as weak as I am, you can't be picky.
I find another quite spot and climb a white pine tree. This one is quite big, and I'm able to go up a ways before the branches start visibly dipping. I lay down for another nap. It's exhausting hunting. And having to hunt twice maked it even worse. So I need to rest. Stupid lions, always stealing my food. I know it's in their nature, I looked it up. But it doesn't make it any less aggravating.
I am woken up to a small group of lions heading to a lake. For the life of me, I will never understand why they like water. I tolerate it in human form, but I will never love it. My cat can swim. Better than I can actually, but I hate water.
As the sun begins setting, and the night sky begins to rise, I begin to thinking of Monday. I am far too excited about it. I know it's a bad idea all around, but the idea of spending time with Aries makes me giddy. I've never seen anyone more masculine, and sexy. His body is a work of art. His muscles look like they've been sculpted by the gods. And his scent is wild and intoxicating. His wolf form is almost the size of a bear. And it leaves me feeling safe and protected. And the kisses he gave me were heaven on earth. I have never been happier than I was, laying in his arms. And I crave love with such a ferocity, that I just can't deny myself this luxury. I need it. And it scares me how much I want him, how much I crave him. I know I will regret all of this. Especially when I find my mate. There's a romantic side of me they wants to save myself for my soulmate. But right now is all we have. And I just can't make myself care. Even my wolf seems to be happy with this idea. Shouldn't he be telling me to wait for my mate? I know he should. But even he finds Aries irresistible. And then there's the possibility that I might not even find a soulmate. Yes, Aries said there are same-sex mates, but maybe that's just wolves. Maybe I will never get another half. Because if I have a female mate, I'm rejecting them. I know it's cruel. But so is forcing some poor soul to be tied to me for life, when I find their parts revolting. Every woman deserves better than that. And I think that fear, that underling question, is what causes me to throw caution to the wind and say fuck it all. I very possibly will never have a mate anyway. So why not enjoy this time with a gorgeous living god? I want to know carnal pleasure. I want to feel intimacy and love. Even if it's for only a moment. Even if it's a cheep substitute. At this point in life, I don't care.
Most don't wait for their mates anyway. I know that both Tyler and Ryder have tasted the forbidden fruit. They claim it's their dominant nature that makes them need sex. It's a bunch of horse shit. We are all hormonal teens. We all want our sexual appatite met. Dominance has nothing to do with it. So, if they can experience the ultimate pleasure, why can't I?
Yes, I suppose it's different when it's a rogue. But I would almost bet, my brothers aren't discriminating. If the person has tits and a pretty face, they'll fuck it. We've all heard the rumors. Even me. And I avoid others like the plegue. That, and often times I smell sex and girls on them when we are driving home from school. I'm not sure when they find the time during classes, but they manage.
I notice how high the moon is in the sky and decide to sleep in this tree. It's safe and comfortable. And I love listening to the wildlife around me. The owls hooting, the bats chirping, raccoons scurrying, and the wolves howling in the distance.

Monday finally came. I was starting to think time had stopped all together.
I spent extra time on myself today. Wanting to look my best. I don't often wear skirts to school. But I decided to today. I grabbed a short skirt, in blue and white plaid. A slipped a white long sleeved shirt with a lower v-neck, and I threw on white knee high white boots with a three inch heels, and threw on a black leather jacket. The skirt had a bit of black so it all tied together. I was going for a modified naughty school girl look. And as I looked myself over, I was quite pleased.
I had also spent extra time in the shower today, I wanted to make sure my manscape was perfect. I left a small patch of golden blond hair above my cock. But trimmed it, because nobody wants to see wild, overgrown pubic hair. I also saved my legs, since they would be showing today. I wanted to be as sexy and smooth as possible. I didn't know if I would get laid today. But a boy could hope. And I didn't ever want to be left unprepared. I sprayed myself with a woodsy, lilac cologne and ran to the car before my brothers would leave me.
Soon my obnoxious brothers were racing towards the car. I silently slipped in while they competed over the driver's seat. It was a daily ritual for them. They never even glanced my way, so I have doubt they will notice me not coming home tonight. Being invisible has its benefits after all.
I reapply lipgloss as we pull into the parking lot, them slip out of the car, strutting towards the school entrance. People are generally used to the way I dress. It's a bit out there, but really it's just another day. So nobody pays me any attention. Which is good, I don't want to be the center of attention. Even when dressing incredibly sexy. I really only want the eyes of Aries on me. I have noticed him casually watching me all throughout last week. He even winked at me once, which caused me to blush an embarrassing flush on my cheeks, and look shyly at the floor as I walked by.
As I stood in line for lunch Aries casually stood behind me and ran his hand up my thigh,under my skirt, and squeezed my pert ass. It took everything in me not too moan. I bit my lip hard, trying to maintain composure.  I heard him quietly chuckle, before turning back to his conversation with one of his friends. However he continued to rub my thigh and ass as we worked out way through the line. I was left smiling like a loon. He appreciated my outfit. That was all I wanted.

After school I went to the library and finished up my homework. I wanted to make sure my brothers were completely, unequivocally gone before leaving the school building. I was relieved to see no trace of my brothers. I had assumed they would leave without me with no problem, but I'm not a lucky person. And there was always a chance they would notice my absence. Luckily, my naturally quiet nature and staying in the background paid off. I walked to the bleachers and saw that nobody was there, so I dropped off my backpack and began walking around the neighborhood, looking for a good tree to sleep in. Eventually I found an acceptable tree. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. Though I would have to come around dusk, or someone would notice me.  The later it got, the more I began to worry that maybe Aries wouldn't show. He was the epitome of a man. Big, strong, commanding, and dominate. On top of that, he was gorgeous. He had wavy black hair that he kept short on the sides, and a bit longer in top, his jawline looked like it could cut glass, his muscles had to have been sculpted by the gods, and his aura was dark and dangerous. He was perfection, and no doubt could have any man or woman he wanted. Well, anyone who craved cock. There was no good reason for him to want me. If you wanted a boy, any guy would be more of a man than me. I was more of a feminine beauty. And if you craved feminity, every girl in the school would be more so than me. In top of that, I was weak. Any Shifter would be more impressive than I was. I was living my best life, and being true to myself. I did love who I was. But I knew there were a multitude of other people who would be a better match for Aries.
I slowly made my way back to the bleachers and stared off into the distance. Listening the the noise of the city around me. Maybe it was a mistake staying in town.
I sat down and rubbed my cold hands together trying to keep them warm. When that didn't work, I breathed into my hands trying to warm them up. Eventually I gave up and decided to shift into my cat. He was better at handling the colder weather. And I just wasn't dress for cold weather. As evening drew near, the air began growing colder, and I needed to shift and warm up.

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