Chapter 37

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After my public claiming with Niles and Aries my cat felt so much calmer. It was a night and day difference. I still wanted to look cute, but I didn't need to dress in revealing clothes and show every inch of my skin off. I was able to just focus on my relationship with my mates and raise my kids again. I wasn't a walking hormone. That was nice. Don't get me wrong, I still like having sex a couple times a day, but it's not constantly. I feel like it's a much more reasonable amount. Over all, my cat is much more content. And that makes me much more happy.

I has been a few weeks since my claiming. I turned to Niles, "we should visit the daycare and see how everything is going. I think it's part of our responsibility as Luna". Niles nodded. "It is. We could always start helping them out. Our kittens could always stay there while we help with the pups." I nodded. "I think it's probably a good idea. Plus, it would be nice to get out of this house during the day. Although I'll miss being able to fuck you whenever I want." I said with a wink. Niles giggled and nodded. We packed up a couple diaper bags and carried the kittens to the community center. I walked in and headed to the secret door. We walked down the stairs and looked around. We hadn't been here since they had fixed it up. It was so nice. People had brought toys and beds. The place looked nice and clean. And the basement was cooler than the rest of the building from being underground. I watched as the kids ran around screaming and playing. I smiled at the chaos. I walked over to one of the omegas working there.
"Hey, we wanted to volunteer to help." She smiled and showed us everything they were doing. "I'm so happy we have some help, we have nowhere near enough people watching the kids. We have four people working most days, but we have over forty kids here." My eyes widened. How did I not know this! "No Shit!? Sorry shoot. Holy shook,." The lady nodded. "People have been bringing more kid all the time. This has been a great idea because people who couldn't afford to work can find jobs now. And people who used to spend a good portion of their paychecks each week on daycare can now use that money on their families and other pressing needs. But, we underestimated how many kids would need to be watched. And we are drowning in children." I nodded and looked around. It was clear it was complete chaos in here. "Well, we will help you guys out as much as we can. But we have four babies so I don't know how much we can do for you guys." The lady nodded and pointed to a small area with other babies. There was one worker who seemed to constantly be running around feeding and change one baby after another. Niles nodded and we walked over to the man working. Niles placed the babies in his hands down. Then took my babies and did the same. I hesitated to leave, I didn't really think the poor guy could handle any more babies. "I am going to help this guy. I think this is too much work for one man." Niles nodded kissed my cheek. "I'm going to try helping with the older kids. Maybe we can calm this hurricane into more of a tropical storm." I giggled and nodded. "That's probably a good idea. Good luck, I think you'll need it" he giggled and kissed me once more before running off. I bent down and grabbed a baby that was crying. "Hey kitten, what's wrong?" His looked at me with sad teary eyes. I checked his diaper, but he was fine, "are you hungry?" I put a finger in his mouth, but he spit it out. "Oh, your lonely. What if I give you a friend to play with?" He sniffed. Holy shit he was snotty. How long had he been crying. I kissed his forehead and walked over to a baby about his age, six months I would guess and sat him next to the other kids. He seemed happy so I moved on and grabbed the next crying kid. Most had dirty diapers or were hungry, but I found quite a number of kids were just lonely. I would put those kids together by age, so they would have someone to be with. Obviously me and the other man couldn't just hold every baby that wanted attention. It was finally quiet after almost an hour. So I sat by the other guy. "Hey I'm Skyler, what's your name?" The guy looked to be in his mid twenties. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes. Which makes him sound very average,but his face was gorgeous, and he was anything but average. "Hi Luna Skyler, I'm Nicholas. But just call me Nick or Nicki." I smiled and shook his hand. "Well, then Nicki, just call me Skyler or Sky. Luna really isn't necessary."
"I think this is the first time it's ever been quite over here. How did you do it? It's a miracle!" I smiled. "I just know that babies get lonely. My babies can't be separated ever. If you take one away, they will all start screaming. If the baby was crying, but not hungry or dirty, they were probably lonely. So I put them together and gave them little friends. Nobody likes being alone." I shrugged. Nicki shook his head in amazement. I looked around and saw the little groups of babies. They seems to be pulling and poking at each other. It didn't look particularly fun, but they seemed happy enough. I looked at the times it was almost noon, so I looked at the guy, "when do we put them to bed?" He just shrugged. So I started grabbing kids and putting them in cribs, I put a couple kids in each and gave them each a pacifier. I gave them each a kiss and went to get a couple more babies and did the same. I found a couple had dirty or wet diapers that they weren't crying about, so I changed them and lay them down too. Then I fed and put all my kids in one crib. Then I sat down with Nicki. "So I take it this has been more just, keep from drowning than anything else until now"? He laughed awkwardly. "Basically." I nodded. "Well, me and Niles are going to start helping out from now on. We didn't know how understaffed everything was. Come on, let's see if the other kids need anything." We went to Niles and helped him make PBJs and sliced apples for all the kids. Once everyone was eating we all sat down and grabbed some food for ourselves. "What more do you need to make this run more smoothly?" I asked the other workers. "Well, we could really use balls or a playground. It would be nice to let the kids play outside, but they don't have anything to do outside." I nodded. "I will see if we have anything in the general fund. If not we can ask for donations or something." I suggested. Niles nodded. "I think that's a good idea. These kids seem really stir crazy." I nodded. One of the babies began crying so I walked over and picked him up and walked around bouncing him on my hip. He stop crying instantly, I kissed his head. "You're okay kitten, you need to sleep, it's important so you can get big and strong" he looked at me blankly. I don't know if he understood but he quieted down. I grabbed the binky and put it back in his mouth. He soon began drifting off to sleep, so I walked back to the crib and lay him back down.
When I walked back Niles was talking to the workers still.
By the end of the day I was exhausted, but I felt good.
Niles and I walked back home, our kittens in tow. "I feel like I was hit by a tornado. How do they do this every day?" I whined. Niles chuckled. "I don't know, but we're going to be doing this every day now too. Maybe we will get used to this after a while." I nodded tiredly. "God I hope so, I don't want to feel like this every day."

When Aries got home, he pulled us both to him. "What have you been doing all Day, you look exhausted." I groaned and nodded. Miles began talking a mile a minute about everything we did. I just curled into Aries chest and rested my eyes. "I'm so tired. I helped with the babies. And they need more pacifiers, and some sanitizer so we don't pass on some virus or something. But they were good I guess. They had no order or schedule. They just ran from one crying baby to the next. And if nothing was wrong with them, they just left them to cry while they helped the next baby. I started putting lonely babies together so they had someone to keep them company. They quieted down pretty quick. Then at noon I asked when nap time was. There wasn't one, so I put them all to bed. It was utter chaos. They are completely understaffed, so me and Niles will be helping them out from now on." Niles nodded. And then continued to talk about the kids he played with.
After he quieted down I looked at Aries, "Is there any way to get balls or outdoor toys for the kids? They don't play outside because they don't have anything to do out there. No playground, balls or anything."
Aries sighed, "maybe, we are getting more money in every month, but I don't want to spend more money than I need to. We already spent more money on daycare than anything else in the pack. Food, workers, diapers, ECT."  I nodded. "I get up. Did you know there are almost 50 kids going to our daycare? Maybe we can charge an extra fee for daycare, like another one hundred a month for each family that uses it? I don't know. Something needs to change, we really need more workers. They are way understaffed. I don't know if that will pay for everything, but it would help." Aries nodded. "I will talk to the pack about it. It's not sustainable right now."
After dinner we all collapsed in bed exhausted.

Starting a pack and figuring out all the ins and outs was neverending. How did everyone else do it? It seemed like there was always new problems that needed solved. I don't think it was because we were less wealthy, we just didn't have a good system worked out yet. There were so many things I never thought about, that needed addressed.

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