Chapter 7

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Takes place in the present


Dream walked down the cobblestone and obsidian bridge. In the distance he could hear the cries of ghast and moans of piglins. His eyes glanced down at the glowing bubbling liquid. The lava pulsed a golden yellow to a bright orange. A red haze fogged over the distant lava pools. He smirked behind his mask as the sight of small particles drifted in front of him. They were cold to the touch as they landed on exposed skin. Dream stepped forward into the swirling purple mess, the doorway out of hell. He felt his body stretch and twist. He closed his eyes, easing his stomach before he took another step. He opened his eyes and saw the large wooden walls that protected a small house. Dream walked forward and the smell of pine trees tickled his nose. He turned to see the beach with a long table and chairs on every side. His eyes stopped on a boy sitting in one of the seats. He had bags under his eyes and his clothes were decorated with tears. His blond hair was tangled and matted while his once blue eyes were now gray and desaturated. A smile spread across Dream's face under his eerie mask. He walked slowly to the sandy beach. The boy looked up at him as he took a seat at the table.

"Hi Dream." His voice was quiet and hoarse as he spun a fork on the table.

"Hello Tommy," Dream chirped, "Where is everyone?"

"They didn't want to come." Tommy sighed, his attention drifted to the portal.

"Oh Tommy, don't say that. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

"Really? Then where are they, Dream? As far as I know, no one is here!" Tommy erupted, jumping to his feet.

"Well... I'm here. I mean I know that you're still upset after what Tubbo did to the - you know, the compass" Tommy was taken back by Dream's statement.

"What are you saying?" Tommy's face dropped from anger to worry. His eyebrows furrowed and his voice was hushed.

"You haven't heard? Well, I'm sorry Tommy but, he burned it." Dream hid a smirk.

Tommy looked down at his bandaged hands and tears welled in his eyes. The crashing of the waves seemed to reach for him, passing on faint whispers of his friends. Tommy looked up at Dream then to the portal.

"How could he?" Tommy asked himself in disbelief and sorrow. He looked down at the cake that sat in the middle of the table. His hands turned to fists and he gripped the cake, throwing it into the sand. Dream's eyes widen slightly, surprised by Tommy's outburst. Tommy's breathing became heavy and harsh as he glared at the portal.

"If they don't want to visit me - fine then!" Tommy stormed off towards his tent.

There was a chest with a deep emerald eye that examined Tommy as he parted the fabric. He bent down, opening the strange, dark chest. He took out a compass and slid it into his pocket. Dream approached Tommy when he came out of the tent.

"Dream... give me your pickaxe." He reached out his hand, impatiently waiting for the item.

Dream looked down at the pickaxe that was strapped to his belt along with the rest of his items. His smile widened. Dream pulled out the tool and handed it to Tommy. The black metal glowed an enchanted purple.

"What are you going to do?" Dream asked, trying to conceal his joy. He anticipated Tommy's plan and followed eagerly.

"I'm going to make sure no one visits me." Tommy's hands tightly gripped around the wooden handle. "If they really cared about me then why aren't they even here?!"

He walked into the portal. Before, Dream entered he let out a small chuckle. He entered and Tommy was already destroying part of the bridge. The sound of metal striking stone echoed in Dream's ears and across the cavernous Nether. The distant cries of the souls trapped in this horrible place sang along. Dream listened to Tommy as he cursed at the wretched world - at his wretched life. Tommy yelled at the world, the world that punished him. He was banished from his home by his best friend and sent miles away only to be forgotten about. Tears rolled from the sides of Tommy's face and steamed once they hit the ground.

"He doesn't care - NO ONE DOES!!" He cursed. "No one came - no one is my friend! They've all left me!"

Tommy looked down at the lava, he put down the pickaxe and looked at the large hole in the middle of the bridge. Dream slowly walked towards him, his smile hidden beneath the wooden mask.

"But Tommy, I do. I'm your friend." Dream's words felt sour in his mouth.

He looked at the boy, seeing his blond, matted hair turn to nicely brushed and well kept. Dream's eyes abruptly burned to daggers as he watched the person in front of him. Dream watched as this person pulled a compass from their pocket. Dream's eyes went wild, his smile was wide as it reached each cheek. Tommy raised the compass above his head ready to throw it into the melted rock below. Dream's smile dropped. A little boy with dirty-blond hair and glowing green eyes, he stood in front of a fire that snapped and crackled from the wood. Dream saw tears falling from the little boy's face. He looked down in the child's hand and he held a small wooden duck. The little kid raised his hand, about to throw the carved figure in the flames. "You promised..." He whispered weakly before his fingers loosened.

"DON'T!" Dream shouted, gripping Tommy's wrist.

Dream froze, he looked at Tommy then to what was in his hands. It was the compass. Dream looked down, he released his shaking hands. Dream breathed heavily, he dropped Tommy's wrist.

"D-Dream?" Tommy's voice sounded shaken, watching Dream's panicked movement.

"L-Let's go back, Tommy." Dream started to walk back to the portal.

Tommy looked down at the lava then the compass regretfully. He shook his head and placed it back in his pocket. They crossed back to the beach and talked for the rest of the day. Dream couldn't shake the picture in his mind of the little boy who cried in front of a fire.

He went back to his home in the mountains. The place where he hid the small item. The item placed in the small box, covered in dust. He went down the large elevator that brought him down slowly. He walked towards the pathetic shoe box, pulling the item out. The wooden duck that had its crack and chips. His hands started to shake and he pulled down his mask, his wall. Tears swelled in his eyes as he looked at both items, gripping them tightly. He fought back the tears that so desperately wanted to fall, he surrendered them.


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