Chapter 27-part 2

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I am sorry for the late upload,  

This is part 2 and I hope that I will get part 3 done soon.


Techno followed closely behind Phil. He had a large red scarf to cover his tusk and a black beanie to hide his ears. It was mid-winter so no one questioned the atier. He held a bag, helping Phil bring home fresh groceries while Wilbur tagged along, skipping beside them. Phil looked back at the boy's long pink hair bouncing with each step, he smiled slightly. Techno's red eyes studied the town, watching people pass by with their horses and carts. Phil could tell by Techno's gaze that the boy was mesmerized by the town and the bustling streets. If he was brave enough, he probably would have asked Phil if he could see the bookstore. Phil looked tired; he had been trying to keep Wilbur under control all morning so Techno kept quiet and tried his best to help out. Though he had been staying with them for the past few weeks, it still felt wrong to ask.

Techno drew away from his trance to watch Wilbur stagger and he trip on a pile of snow. The boys laughed at the small mistake as Wilbur tried getting back up. Wilbur was a fawn on ice as it seemed he had lost his ability to stand before once again falling. As Wilbur hit the soft pile, flakes of snow hit the pedestrians that marched by. Most people continued walking except for one man dressed in a fine fur coat.

"What were you thinking!? You can't just go around throwing snow at people! Do you have an ounce of respect?!" The man shouted at Wilbur. He got angrier the louder he yelled.

"I-It was an accident, I didn't-"

"I don't care! Do you know how much this cost me?!" Tears began to prick at Wilbur's eyes and his face got red. He struggled to spill apologies as the jerk interrupted him constantly.

"Hey," Techno stepped in front of Wilbur, "Leave him alone, it was an accident."

The man scowled at the two boys and Techno glared back. His red eyes glowed with his rage as he took another step forward, creating space between the stranger and Wilbur.

"Do you boys have any respect?"

"People like you don't deserve it." Techno growled in his throat, his blood boiled.

"I am the lord of this town, I am your leader."

"You're no leader to me." Techno's eyes narrowed, his crimson iris' glow became violent and threatening.

Techno felt someone behind him place their hand on his shoulder.

"Um excuse me, do you have a problem?" Phil towered over the man. His irritation was held back by a thread, that Techno was sure of.

"These two are your sons?" He looked disgusted by it.

"Yes, and I don't appreciate you yelling at them for nothing."

"Your sons just so happen to ruin my coat!" He snapped. "And this coat is more expensive than your house so-"

"Buy a new one. I don't care how expensive. Now, I'll be taking my kids home. Good day." He spat.

Phil placed a hand on both sons protectively, like a bird shielding their chicks with large wings. He quietly ushered them away from the man. Techno spared another glare at the man, lowering his scarf and taunting the man by sticking out his tongue. The man was taken back by the boy. For a second he could have sworn that he saw something off about him, that his teeth were not what they should have been: the bottom canines were sharp. They were tusks, at least from where he stood. Before the man could say anything, the family vanished.

"Are you boys okay?" Phil looked down at his sons, worry laced his voice.

"Yeah, we're okay." Wilbur stared down at his feet, hesitant to play around again. "I'm sorry I got you guys in trouble."

"Don't be sorry, that man was just being an- uh" Phil paused, stopping himself from finishing the sentence.

"An a**hole?"

"Wilbur!? Where have you heard that?"

"From you??"

Phil tried to find a way to justify himself but he drew a blank.

"When we get home we are going to talk about this."

The three walked through the cold winter snow as the white flakes fell. They walked until they reached the far end of town where an old house sat. The two boys ran ahead to hide away from the cold. Phil entered soon after; he then stood in the kitchen, arranging the produce they brought home. As time passed, he noticed Techno had left the fireplace.

"Wilbur, where's Techno?"

"He went to his room." The little boy continued to absentmindedly play with toys and fidget with his hands.

"Oh alright then, can you go and fetch a couple logs for the fire?" Wilbur grumbled as he sat up to grab his coat. Phil smiled to himself. "Thank you."

Phil walked down the hall, looking at the framed memories. This house held stories upon stories of different families who lived here prior.

He stepped into the doorway of a small room. Techno sat at the edge of his bed, unaware of Phil's arrival. Phil noticed the boy was holding an opened envelope with the wooden box on his lap. Phil gently knocked on the door frame, making himself known.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine." His eyes never left the page.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's in the box?"

"I don't know. The letter says to open it when I'm ready."

"Are you ready?"

Techno stayed silent and hesitated. Phil noticed this.

"Is it from your parents?"

"Yeah, they gave me this after they died, I just can't bring myself to open it."

"You have all the time you need Techno, you'll know when you're ready."

"I know, it's just-" Tears welled in his eyes. "Then they'll really be gone and I'm not-'' He bit his tongue to stop his chest from hurting. He's not ready to accept it, not yet.

Phil wrapped Techno in his embrace. He felt his shaking breaths as the boy fought back the tears, wiping them away before they could fall. The house was quiet, only the little whimpers from the far bedroom echoed down the hall. The pain of Techno's tears burned his cheeks, but he felt his burden lighten.

He'll be ready on his own time. But for now, he'll rest his eyes in Phil's hug.

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