𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

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Groaning as she rolled over to shut off her alarm, Eliza knew she had to get up for work. So, she got up and walked to her bathroom, tying her hair up into a bun so that it wouldn't get wet when she showered.

Turning on the water, she locked the bathroom door before undressing and getting in the shower. Once she was done, she got out of the shower and changed into her outfit for the day. While she was trying to decide on an outfit, she turned around when she heard Peggy walk in.

Laughing softly at her tired little sister, she gave her a quick hug before going back to picking her outfit.
"It's still early, why are you up?"

"I have to go to work Peggy, and so do you." Sighing, Peggy threw herself down on Eliza's bed before starting to complain about not wanting to go anywhere. Eliza just rolled her eyes playfully and laughed, pulling her sister off the bed.

"Wanna help me pick my outfit then?"

At that, Peggy jumped up, seemingly forgetting her tiredness. She smiled and ran over to Eliza, peeking into her closet in search of a cute outfit for her older sister to wear.

"Hm... how about this?" She pulled out a blue tank up and a pair of black jeans, but seen quickly changed her mind and shoved a black skirt at Eliza.
"There, go change."

Laughing softly, Eliza walked into her bathroom to change before coming back out to show Peggy the outfit. She spun around in a circle, and Peggy clapped happily.

"Great! But... take your hair down, it'll be cuter~"

"Peggy... I work at a coffee shop, I have to keep it up." Whining about how Eliza's hair would look cuter down, Peggy eventually gave up and just let her sister keep her hair in a ponytail. Eliza eventually got Peggy to get ready for work as well, and the girl had decided on matching with Eliza that day, putting on a yellow tank top and a black skirt.

Smiling at her little sister, Eliza reached to grab a jacket but Peggy smacked her hand away from the closet door. Eliza wanted to over her shoulder, something that Peggy didn't have to worry about.

See, Peggy never got her soulmates initials. When she turned 18, nothing happened. No mark, no initials, nothing. At first she was confused, but in all honesty, she really didn't care. She thought of it as more of a good thing, because being aromantic and having a 'soulmate' wasn't exactly her style anyways.

So, Eliza walked Peggy to work before going to work herself.


Maria had gotten up that morning and done everything she usually did, including going to the coffee shop. She smiled as she walked in and saw Eliza, who seemed to have just gotten there by the looks of it. The girl had her back turned, but Maria could already tell she looked adorable.

Eliza was wearing a tank top, which Maria had never seen her do before. She thought the younger girl looked cute in the tank top, and the skirt that she wore with it just made her look even cuter. She smiled as she approached the counter, only to stop dead in her tracks when Eliza turned around.

She had seen the letters, and she was sure she wasn't mistaken. Sitting on Eliza's left should we're two letters, M and L. She thought for a moment that it could have been her, but no. That wasn't possible. Her last name had been changed... why would her soulmates shoulder have her old last name on it?

She stared at the small letters, suddenly thinking of her own marking. Eliza's name started with an E, but much to Maria's dismay she had no clue what Eliza's last name was.

Surely they couldn't be soulmates, that would be way too easy. Based off other people's experiences, Maria knew that soulmate marks burned the first time you kissed your soulmate. Maria definitely wasn't going to try to make a move on Eliza, because she didn't want to scare the girl off.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by Eliza, why was smiling at her and giggling softly. Maria thought she looked absolutely beautiful, but she couldn't say that out loud. She didn't know why, but deep down, she really did hope Eliza was her soulmate.

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