chapter 19

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I dedicate this study to my parents, Isleen and Jona Miller.

I know you are with me every day. I see you in everything.

Mom, I see you in leather-bound journals and overstuffed bookbags; I see you in rounded spectacles and wild, unbridled smiles; I see you in bright-red swimsuits and short, frizzy hair; I see you in old, ancient books with decaying pages smelling of vanilla. I see your curiosity when I look in the mirror.

Dad, I see you in sturdy ships that beat against the tides; I see you in the tall, proud white-oak tree that sits atop Silver Hill and silently and watches over the town; I see you in cracked coffee mugs and worn-out fishing boots. I see your quiet kindness every time I look at Jack.

I see you two together, in the colorful spinnakers that fly high in the air on windy days; in the initials carved into Pemaquid caves with hearts around them; and in the two heart-rocks I found that were connected at the base. I see you both in this study.

I wonder what you two would think if you read this. I think you'd be proud of me. I think you'd love Evyana just as much as I do.

I miss you both almost as much as I love you.

One day, I will find out what happened to you. I promise that with my whole heart.

But for now, I'm going to turn this study in to my teacher. And tonight, I'm going to dance.


(we've officially passed 20,000 words! yay!)

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