Chapter 2: First Night In The Dorms

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"Aw, I think Vilu really likes you Theo," Pansy said after Harry get done licking the boy's face and curls up in his lap.

"He probable just sees me as his protector or something since I came to his aid earlier," Theo said as he began to run his hand down Harry's back which produced an purr from the Kitune.

"This is all well I good I going to go speak to the Headmaster to check out how Vilu was able to get into the castle," Snape said with a smile as he watched his normally stoic student actually smile and interact with his fellow Slytherins. "I know we all like the addition to Vilu to the house so as a treat you all may stay up an extra hour," Snape called before he left surprising Harry to learn that the Slytherin's had a curfew which made him chuckle for he knew it was not uncommon for his own house to stay up late either struggling through homework, chatting, or in the case of Fred and George planning some sort of prank. Feeling better after the two potions Harry decided to explore the room since last time he was int it he had just focused on Malfoy to find out if the blonde was Slytherin's Heir, speaking of Malfoy the blonde was trying to get his attention by shaking a quill at him as if he was some sort of house cat making Harry roll his eyes.

"Draco he is Kitsune not a cat," Harry heard Theo state from above him.

"I know that but he is a creature I was thinking it would attract his hunting instincts or something," Draco said with a slight pout. Harry was shocked at the look on the blonde's face so he uncurled himself and hopped off Theo's lap walked over to Malfoy and placed a comforting hand/paw on his rival's leg. "See I got his attention after all," Draco said proudly reaching down and running a hand down Harry's back causing Harry to arch it just like a cat to stay in contact with the hand. After the pet from Draco Harry let out a small purr before he bounded away, much to Draco's disappointment, to searched the room. Feeling better than when he had been brought in Harry actually bounded around as he took a look into all nooks and crannies accepting pats, scratches and pets from the students in the room as he would go past them.

As he was going to check out what sort of books were in the book case his heighten senses picked up a conversation between two students. "Man I tell you that Lovegood girl is a freak," one student said causing Harry to stop in his tracks and begin to tremble frozen in place. Several of the older students had been keeping an eye on the new addition to the dorm, not only for the newly named Vilu's sake but for their fellow students as well since he was technically a wild animal, so had seen the strange reaction in the kitsune.

"Vilu are you alright?" Marcus Flint asked, being the closest of the students watching the Kitsune as well as being one of the Prefects, reaching down to pet the young green kitsune. Harry flinched as the hand came down towards him and bounded away to hide under a nearby low table where he would be safe. There were gasp of shock as some students who had not been paying close enough attention turned to glare at Flint who had a puzzled expression on his face at the Kitsune's reaction.

"Flint what did you do?" Theo asked as he marched over having seen Vilu flee from the older boy by hiding in an enclosed space something Professor Snape said Kitsune hated.

"Nothing," Flint said standing back up as a couple of students got onto their stomachs and tried to coax Vilu out form under the table.

"Yeah right," Draco said with a sneer as he took out his quill and tried to attract the baby Kitsune like he had before peeking under the table and seeing the green fox curled up in a tight ball and wishing that the furniture in the room did not have permanent sticking charms on them so he could make the table float, retrieve the fox and cuddle with the poor scared creature.

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