Chapter 4: Research In The Library

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"Hm Potter is missing," Draco said starling Harry as he lay around Theo's neck because of course he would be the one to notice his absence as a human.

"Looks like Granger and the Weasel don't know where he is either," Blaise said as he began to rip up some bacon into small bits and feed held them up to feed Harry. For a moments Harry was a little embarrassed at being feed like that but no one seemed to notice after all he was just a green fox at the moment. Though some watches both Witch and Wizards cooed at him thinking he looked cute. It did not really bother him until one passing student decided to try to pet him. With a hiss Harry's fur stood on end at the young Hufflepuff girl who had been trying to touch him.

"I would suggest you withdraw your hand Vilu is not quite tame," Theo said with some steel in his voice with a small "ep" the girl hurried away making the Slytherin let out some small laughter at her. "Some people though," Theo said lifting an hand and petting his head helping to calm him down. With a small huff Harry settled back down wrapping his tail around Theo's neck unknowingly tickling the other male. "It is okay Vilu the pest is gone now," Theo said with a chuckle as Vilu's tail slide around his neck before giving him some more bacon. Feeling satisfied Harry found himself falling back to sleep only to be transferred from Theo's neck to curl up on the table.

"What was that for?" Harry yipped at him.

"Can't have you falling asleep and falling off little one," Theo said as if he actually understood Harry reaching forward and booping him on the nose. Harry's wiggled the nose at the touch making Draco have to cover up his mouth lest he give an undignified giggle.

"Dang Vilu if you keep being so cute you are going to ruin my reputation," Draco said trying to look mean at him but could not hold it.

"Never thought I would see Draco so whipped," Blaise whispered into Theo's ear which was still picked up by Harry's new heightened hearing. Harry had to chuckle at that though he knew the blonde would not feel the same way if he knew who Vilu really was.

"Good morning students I see that some of you have noticed the new addition to the hall," the headmaster said speaking from his seat at the head table with the twinkle in his eyes. With a glance the students of Slytherin house saw that Snape was throwing the old fool a nasty look after his change of heart over Vilu from the night before. "Last night a young Kitsune had wandered into our fine school. The poor dear has been hurt so has been taken by the members of Slytherin to nurse him back to health. I must warn all of you that though he might seem calm the Kitsune is still a wild creature and should be treated with respect, and one must be careful for it seems that any scratch with his claws is hard to be healed by magical means," Dumbledore explained.

"Yeah good idea to leave a wild beast with a bunch of snakes they probably will teach him to attack good Witches and Wizards," Harry heard Ron mutter in anger shooting a glare towards Harry. Noticing the look on his best friend's face Harry tilted his head in confusion at the look he was being shot. Seeing Harry look at him Ron rolled his eyes and reached for his wand only to be stopped by Hermione who shook her head at him. To Harry's surprise he was able to read her lips as she mouthed at the red head "later." Maybe Lady Magic had been correct about who to trust in his current state.

"Now that that is over enjoy the rest of this lovely Sunday," Albus said with a clap of his hands.

"Old busy body he did not have to mention that about Vilu's scratches just cause one of his little Gryfindorks got hurt for being an idiot," Theo said a little annoyed at how some of the students from the other houses were now shooting looks of weariness at the young Kitsune under his charge. Well just they try to hurt Vilus and see what happened he though petting Vilu as the green fox curled up on the table staring at the Gyrffindor table.

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