Chapter 8: Godfathers And Magic Orbs

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Remus's POV

As the Hogwarts School Board met for the unplanned meeting some teachers' scheduled were shifted to patrol the corridors outside their normal times. While some teachers were annoyed by the change, Sybill Trelawney for instance, but for Remus Lupin it was a chance to look for Harry. He still could not believe that his cub had been gone for almost a week now and Albus had done nothing to find him. The only problem was every time Remus had tried previously to go look for him Albus had lied saying the Harry was doing a special mission for him, the old fool had seemed to forget that Remus could see and smell when he was being lied to. So with Albus being busy Remus had offered to cover for Sybill in hopes of finding the boy his inner wolf saw as his cub. However, after looking all over the school for any scent of Harry he could not detect any recent signs of the boy. Though that could also do with Harry's scent being submerged by the other inhabitants of the castle Having found no sign of Harry near the Gryffindor or even the Ravenclaw dorms he headed to walk the routes by Hufflepuff and Slytherin. As he walked the corridor outside the Slytherin dorm room he finally picked up a faint scent of Harry, surprisingly starting at the door to the Slytherin dorms. As he finally caught a whiff of his cub Remus was able to focus on it and follow it away from the dorms in the most recent path through the castle. Though he knew the scent of his cub there was something different about it that he could not place for the life of him. To Remus's surprise the path lead him right to the entrance to where the school board met. Seeing the meeting had only started a half hour ago it did not seem likely that it would end any time soon. Remus began to argue with himself against the job he had at the school verse watching over his missing cub. In the end it was not even close as Remus found a place that would not be too uncomfortable to watch the door to the Boardroom and cast a disillusionment charm on himself as he sat down to wait for Harry to appear. In the back of his mind Harry's presence he could lead credibility to what Albus had been telling him about Harry undertaking a mission for him. Maybe Harry was under some disguise and had been placed in the Slytherin dorms for protection against Black and Albus was letting the Board know where Harry was. Remus could almost believe that if it had not been for the fact that Albus was definitely lying when he would tell Remus Harry was safe. It could not be Severus for what he had heard from Minerva that Severus hated him, yet why else would Harry scent coming from the Slytherin dorms. Rather than make further speculations Remus settled down to wait the meeting to end so he could find his cub.

Sirius's POV

Sirius in his Padfoot form paced back and forth waiting for the Kneazle who he had agreed to help him get his hands on Peter but recently had also been supplying him with information of what was going on in the school. The creature had shared some disturbing news during their last meet-up about Harry going missing. At first Sirius had feared that Peter having learned that he was after him had decided to kill his Godson, but the Kneazle had told him that there had been no change to Peter's routine since Harry had vanished. He knew Harry had not left the school as the magic that bonded them as Godparent and child was still going strong but it was not like he could go into the castle to look for Harry. For even if people had not freaked out at his Grimm form there was also the fact the Remus knew of his ability to change shapes and he had spotted his old former friend stepping out of one of the Thestral drawn carriages at the start of the year. One good thing that had happened had happened after learning of Harry's disappearance was that during one of his prowls around the forest his canine nose had picked up slight scents of Harry in the wind coming from the edge of the Black Lake. Making his way to a nearby hiding place Sirius had watched a couple of Slytherins, by the designs of the robes, relaxed by the lake. "His Godson could not be a snake could he?" Sirius had asked himself, but inching closer he had seen that none of the three boys shared any resemblance to either Lily or James. It had taken another minute before he realized that Harry's scent was actually coming from above and looking up Sirius had been shocked to see a Kitsune up in the branches of a tree the three Snakes were lounging under. Suddenly a memory fell into place as James having a hard time Mastering his stag form due to the fact that his body kept trying to shift into a fox due to the creature blood that was in his family line. Sirius had almost let out a happy bark and rushed to the tree and his Godson but before he moved another group of students came upon the group. Recognizing the red headed boy and girl from the article that showed him Peter was alive as well as a brown haired Witch, Sirius had stayed in place in case Peter was with the group in his rat form. He had hopes that these three students, who looked to be in Gyrffindor were here to get Harry away from the snakes, but the more his listened the more he realized Harry was better with the snakes than three lions. And based on what the blonde Slytherin, he was sure was the son of his cousin Narcissa, he actually wanted to attack the three himself. It had been strange for the article had mentioned that the male red head was to be Harry's friend yet according to his second cousin the boy and the others were stealing from Harry. It seems that after he got rid of Peter he was going to have some work to do in protecting his Godson, but at least unless he was mistaken Harry had just learned about the betrayal himself and if he was anything like Lily by the time Harry got done with them the three would actually welcome his arrival to take over. After another ten minutes Sirius gave up his pacing seeing that the Kneazle was not coming tonight as he heads back to the Whomping Willow to return to the small base he had set up in the Shrieking Shack.

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