Chapter 10: After The Storm

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Theo was not really a fan of Quidditch in the first place he would have rather been up in the library reading, but when both Draco and Vilu asked for him to take Vilu to the game how could he refuse. It was a decision he regretted almost as soon as the game began as he sat with his friends in a downpour as he kept Vilu in his robes so his familiar did not end up getting sick. It had been nice to feel Vilu close to him under his robes making his heart flutter a little as the small Kitsune's tail would wag against him as he watched the game complaining about the skill levels of both the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw teams. He was going to have to ask Vilu when they were alone latter about how the Kitsune knew about the game especially the Seekers, as the Kitsune seemed rather harsh in his criticism towards Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang the Seekers from the two Houses. At one moment Theo began to feel a chill that had nothing to do with the rain and was like how he felt when the Dementors had searched his compartment on the train ride to school. Looking around he saw that he was not the only one who had noticed the new chill as students began to huddle even closer together as he places a hand on his chest to better protect Vilu. "Surely they would have some protections in place so the Dementors would not show up at a game," Theo thought to himself just as a large pink and green bubble appeared around the stadium, causing several students to gasp in surprise at its appearance, cutting off both the pouring rain and the chill from the Dementors. Recognizing the multi-colored bubble being like the one Vilu had created in their recent D.A.D.A class Theo looked down to check to make sure the effort of the spell was not to much for his young familiar. As he was checking on Vilu, Theo missed as the Seekers who had finally spotted the snitch easily left the protective bubble to chase it and were both quickly swarmed by the gathered Dementors. One of the Seekers was able to get away thanks to a powerful gust of wind driving them back into the bubble but the other one was not so lucky as to everyone's horror they began to get closer to the small Ravenclaw Seeker and looked to be trying to give her the kiss. Cho's body went ridged as she fell off her broom and headed towards the ground fast. Theo looked up in time to see her fall wondering if any of the teachers would do any thing to protect her just as he felt Vilu crawl out of his robes and stand in his lap. Looking down for an instant Theo saw Vilu's fox tail stand up and do a swish and flick as Cho's fall began to slow down and than finally stop a few stories from the wet mud softened ground. "Vilu," Theo called out as he saw the green fox begin to wobble on its feet as it tried to maintain the two powerful spells only to lose with Cho a single story from the ground and collapse into a heap on Theo's lap. As the Kitsune feel into unconsciousness both spell it had cast vanished as the bubble appeared to pop letting the rain and chill resume and Cho to crash into a heap on the ground as Madam Hooch blew a whistle to end the game as she went to check on the girl. There were some white lights that were shot from the seats the teachers sat as the hoard of Dementors were driven away not that many students were paying attention as they all looked on as Madam Hooch checked on Cho and gave the sign the girl was alright leading to everyone no matter what house they were in to cheer. Well almost everyone as Theo held Vilu to his chest wondering what he should do a look of worry on his normally straight face.

"What's wrong Theo?" Draco asked as he turned to his friend to see him curled protectively around Theo looking worried.

"It was too much for him he passed out," Theo said as he began to rock the small Kitsune in his arms back and forth. Draco and Blaise leaned in hearing this and saw the Kitsune eyes were closed and he appeared to have struggle breathing. "I think he might be exhausted his is just a baby after all and he protected us all from the Dementors then kept that Cho girl from breaking her neck in the fall," Theo said causing some of the students around them to gasp at the news.

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