The Beginning

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You were tired, just running through the streets of a quiet city. You had decided to take a quick stop and find a place to relax. You ran into a random house and had taken out your knife and looked around the room. It was hard to see without a flashlight but you had cleared most of the room when you took a sit and huffed. But you hadn't noticed how tiring running around was so before you knew it you were asleep. You were woken by the sound of people outside. You were scared and didn't know whether to go and see them or to keep quiet and let them pass. But while you deciding the door started to open slowly, you just ran up to it and closed it again. "Ahh! damn that hurt my nose!" A voice screeched outside. "If I ever find what's in there I'm gonna shoot it." That's when you got scared and tried to run off but just while you were half way across the room you scanned the place and realized that you were trapped. So you just fou8nd a place to hide and ran behind it. Just as you hid behind the desk the door was kicked open. "So does that mean the little shit I'm about to shoot was a hunter? Cause I don't remember zombies hiding" A voice quietly said as a flashlight scanned the room. "Francis all it did was bump your nose. You don't need to hunt it down" A grizzled and scruffy voice said as more people walked into the small room. "Well it hurt me so I'm gonna hurt them" The other voice said.  You were calm and controlled for almost the whole thing but you made the mistake of being curious and tried to move to see who and how many people were with you in the room. While you were trying to to move to see out of the desk you accidently moved it which made a short but loud screeching sound. "The hell was that?" A more light voice said as all their lights moved to the desk you were hiding in. You instantly moved back underneath the desk which pushed it again. "Well I guess we're gonna find out" Said the agitated man as he rushed up to it and moved the desk out of the way and aimed his gun at whatever they were going to find. As you were revealed you screamed "Please don't hurt me!" as you tried to run to the corner of the room. "Holy shit! Sorry kid didn't mean to spook you!" The same man said as he lowered his gun. You were to busy curling into a ball to see what they looked like but then some one had removed your hands and said "You alright kid?" It was a girl wearing a pink track jacket. "Sorry if Francis here scared you. He just gets mad when someone or something hurts him." The girl said. "Your lucky I wanted to see what you were before I was gonna shoot ya" Francis said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Hey its ok boy we aren't gonna hurt you.....Well we aren't, I don't know about Francis" The old man said as he casually through his cigarette on the ground to light another one. "Well hi my name is Zoey his name is Bill That's Louis and this one is Francis" Zoey said as she pointed and named everyone else in the room. "Like I said sorry or y'know trying to kill you and all" Francis said as he put his hand out in front of you. You took it as a way to say you forgive him so you shook his hand "Apology excepted" You said while shaking his hand. "You never told us your name sport" Bill said as he took a swig of he's cigarette. "Oh sorry my name is Y/N" "Yeah, and where the hell are your parents?" Francis asked as he checked his gun making sure it was loaded. "Oh....yeah.....I don't really know...." "Well it don't look like you're gonna stay alive any longer on your own, so why don't you come with us Y/N?" You hesitated for a moment thinking of your possibilities. You scratched the back of your neck and said "Sure, like you said I don't think I'll last long on my own." They led you out of the building and into an alley where Francis asked you "Wait, how old are you Y/N?" you turned to Francis and told him "Well I'm twelve but I'm pretty sure my birthday is next month." Before Francis could say answer you Bill stopped the group. "Hold up" Bill said kneeling down and covering his fingers in a green mush. "Ain't seen anything like this before..." "Jesus, don't let that stop you from smearing it all over yourself." Bill stood back up and looked at Francis and cleaned his hand off, on Francis' vest "They're changing-" "GAH Damnit Bill, AWW It stinks." While Louis was laughing at Francis he was cut off by the sound of someone weeping and crying. "Someone's still alive" Zoey said as she aimed her gun in the direction of the sound. "We should help them...Right?" You asked as Bill and Zoey moved towards the door. "You three keep a look out" Bill said slowly opening the door. You heard Bill whisper "Over there" but the more they moved into the room the less you could hear them. So you decided to try and talk to someone. (Ok Imma do this as my first choice I know this isn't the best stuff but c'mon its my first story so please at least tell me if this wasn't complete shit)

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