No Mercy

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"I mean. Bills wise, maybe he could teach me some stuff even y'all don't know. How about it Bill?" You asked looking over to Bill. Bill looked up and back down "Sorry kid I'm a little too tired to help ya learn, you're gonna have to ask one of them" He said pointing over to everyone else. (Continue as if one of the previous chapters was a choice)

*Zoey Taught You* You were a little bored walking throughout the apartment building so you walked up to Zoey and decided to have a chat about movies you used to watch. "Hey Zoey, what's your top ten favorite movies?" Zoey was about to say something but stopped herself. "If this was 2 weeks ago I would've said all zombie movies, but now? I don't know. Maybe uh.....crap. I don't have a damn clue" You giggled and snorted a little. "What about you?" Zoey said nudging you a little bit "Well I don't maybe _______ that was always one of my favorites" Zoey scoffed and laughed. "Really? ______ is your favorite movie?" You were a little embarrassed but then shot back. "Hey, at least I have a favorite" You and Zoey both laughed and continued down the building chatting away and sometimes shooting at the infected.

*Francis Taught You* After walking around a bit you had started getting bored and decided to talk to Francis and learn more about him. "Hey cool guy," You said nudging Francis' shoulder. "You think I'm cool?" "Of course you're cool! You have a cool shotgun and an awesome jacket!" Francis was chuckling as Zoey popped in "Kid you're just feeding his ego" Francis put up his finger putting on Zoey's lips. "Don't interrupt this genius!" You couldn't help but laugh "Yeah, Just cuz I'm the smartest one here doesn't mean you have to shut me out" you shot back in retaliation. "Yeah. Yeah!" Francis said nodding in agreement. Zoey scoffed and chuckled, walking back up to Bill. "So, what do you wanna talk about little dude?" "Well, the fact that you were in a biker gang is pretty dope" Francis just smiled in amusement. "Well, it is pretty dope that I'm in a gang. But that's not the only reason I'm cool. So, kid. Let me tell you, have you seen a hunter before?" He said, leaning in closer, you nodded remembering how horrifying it was to encounter the Hunter for the first time. "So, this one time, a couple days ago. This hunter was flying through the sky trying to tackle me down. You know what I did?" Francis pauses waiting for a response. You slowly shake your head, "What happened?" You ask in anticipation. Francis smiles and stops walking, you soon also stop. Francis jumps up, pumping his fist in the sky in a punching motion, "I punched that little shit so hard he flew to the floor flustered!" Francis shouts. Everyone else stops and looks back. Bill rolls his eyes and keeps walking, Zoey sighs and also keeps walking, Louis chuckles and continues walking. Francis also starts walking, you follow. But you rush up specifically to Francis, "Really?! You punched a hunter and knocked him down?!" You ask, dumbfounded. Francis couldn't look more stoic "Yep, these bad boys were enough to knock a hooded jackass to the floor in one hit" Francis said flexing his muscles. You and Francis yapped on the rest of the way down the building

*Louis Taught You* You found it a little boring, nothing but walking and occasionally shooting at infected. Though you learned how to shoot, you never actually shot at an infected. "Guys hold up, hole in the floor" Bill said, stopping everyone while doing so. "I say we send the kid down first" Francis said. "Wait, what no you can't just-" "Calm down kid, if anything Francis will be the one to jump down that hole for us" Louis said, reassuring you that he won't let anything bad happen to you.
"IF anything, both you and the kid go down first"
Francis said, gesturing back to the hole in the floor.
"Over my dead body"
Louis said, playfully shoving Francis' shoulder.
"Well you will be dead when you jump down that hole. So I'd take that bet"
"Goddamnit, I'll go down"
Bill said, pushing Francis out of the way.

"Being goddamn kids over here..."
Bill mumbled to himself
"Check the other side of the hole for anything we can use"
Bull said, hopping down the hole.
He waved his flashlight around, scanning the area.
Bill shouted

*Zoey Taught You* "You and me kid, we'll check the other side for stuff"
Zoey said, taking your hand.
"Kay, see you both down there"
Louis said, jumping down the hole
"Don't keep Bill waiting, don't want his whining and complaining to rub off on me"
Francis remarked falling down the hole.
"You think you can make that jump?"
Zoey asked
You looked at the hole
It looked big enough for a tank to crawl through it
"I could use a little help"
Zoey smiled
"You got it buddy"
Zoey backed up and made a running leap to get to the other side
When she got her footing back she turned back to you.
She kneeled down and put her arms out.
"You can go ahead and jump now, I'll catch ya"
You placed you pistol in your pocket and got yourself ready to jump.
You backed up and started to run forward.
You were gonna leap but you heard something shoot out.
Not a gun or a weapon of some sort.
Zoeys expression changed. She looked as if someone was bludgeoned to death right before her eyes.
Then you had finally been wrapped in a smokers grasp, well it's tongues grasp at least.
You were yoinked back and hit the floor hard.
You were dazed and didn't seem to know where you were anymore. All you knew was that you were screwed beyond belief.
Zoey shouted out
"The kid?!?"
Louis shouted back
Zoey didn't respond and pulled out her gun
You proceeded to black out.
All you remember was hearing several shots and the puff of a dead smoker.

*Anyone Else Taught You*
"I'll check the other side, you three go down with Bill"
Zoey said backing up to hop over to the other side.
Louis and Francis jumped down and waited there looking up at you.
"You coming down here kid?"
Francis said, shining his flashlight at you
"Uh, yeah. Just gimme a minute. I'm not too well with heights"
You had a fear of heights. You got it when you had broken your arm climbing a tree when you were younger.
"I hate heights..."
Francis grumbled looking down, but then quickly looked back up to you.
"How about this. You dropped down and I'll catch you, deal?"
Louis said, putting his arms out.
You were nervous. You were looking around frantically. But after some deep breaths you finally manned up and hopped down the hole.
You had your eyes closed while falling. In that moment you could've been in space for all you knew. But what you did know was that you were falling and it was taking too long.
You panicked and started flailing around. Just throwing your arms and legs around
"Ah! Damnit!"
Francis shouted. You slowly opened your eyes. You expected to still be falling down but you weren't. You were sitting in the arms of Louis.
Louis bursted out laughing
Louis set you down while Francis dropped his gun. He was holding on to his nose and grumbling.
"Nice one kid. Maybe now Francis'll shut up"
Bill said, shoving your shoulder playfully.
"Yeah. Next time I'll let you break your legs"
Francis said picking his shotgun back up.
"You guys okay down there?"
Zoey said, popping her head over the hole.
"Everything's fine. Kid just about knocked out Francis though."
Bill said
"Look I'm real sorry I ju-"
"I dont wanna hear it. Lets just move"
Francis interrupted you.
You looked down to the floor and frowned.
"Ah come on Francis. He's a damn kid. Give him a break"
Bill said. Giving Francis a glare so sharp it could cut through a tree.
Francis grumbled
"Zoey you done up there yet? I wanna get out of here"
Louis asked, shakily shingling his light around the room.
"I just don't wanna miss nothing"
Zoey shouted back as she was tossing every useless thing she found around.
"Aw yeah! Jackpot!"
Zoey shouted
Everyone but Louis looked up
"You found something?"
Bill asked, putting out his cigarette and pulling out a new one.
"I'm dropping down"
Zoey said
She then quickly hopped down the hole. Barely catching herself in the process.
She was holding a comic.
"Oh my god. Comic books aren't important right now Zoey. You got my hopes up. Made me think you found some food or something we could actually use"
Bill huffed
"Well now me and the kid have something to read"
Zoey smiled at you and handed you the comic.
" 'Bradley and His Schemes'. I haven't heard of this before"
"Oh I've read plenty of it. But this is one of the newer ones. I'll catch you up in the nearest safe room"
You stuffed the rolled up comic into your pocket.
You were really excited to get some entertainment finally.
"Hey guys? I hear something"
Louis said, nudging Francis' shoulder
Everyone went quiet.
You listened and you heard stomps.
Not tank stomps. But stomps
In the end. Everyone's flashlights were pointed at a wall.
"I think we should mo-"
Louis was cut off as a large armed zombie bashed through the wall and ran full speed into the group.
You were in the grasps of a Charger.
You all went down like bowling pins. But you were taken and smashed into the wall. You were immediately knocked  unconscious.

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