The Subway

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"Jesus Christ why don't we have more shots than this" - Zoey
"Calm down Zoey. The Kid's gonna be fine. It wasn't that much of a hit" - Bill
"Kid looks dead" - Francis
"Shut up Francis!" - Zoey
"Well they don't look alive" - Francis
"I found one!" - Louis
"Toss it here!" -Zoey
A sharp pain runs up from your thigh and through your body.
You immediately wake up, thrashing around from this random and painful burst of energy.
"He's alive! Kid, you're fine. It's an adrenaline shot" - Zoey
You couldn't stop the tears from flowing out.
Despite the adrenaline, the pain was too much to handle.
You couldn't see anything. Your vision was too blurry.
Your adrenaline was short lived as you had started to fall woozy.
"A-alive...d-don't leave m-me" - Y/N
Zoey placed her hand on your cheek. Wiping the tears away from your cold cheeks.
"We'll never ever leave you here Y/N" - Zoey
"We're waiting here for them to wake up" - Zoey
You passed out before you could hear anymore.

When you finally awoken. It was to an empty room.
From what you could see there was no one left here.
You were Left 4 Dead.
The ones you thought you could trust had abandoned you so quickly.
You had started to break down. You were letting it all out.
There were more tears than from the Adrenaline Shot.
You right thigh was really sore. You couldn't put any weight on it. You just knew it.
You balled up in the corner and were prepared to waste away.
You had accepted this as your fate.
"Kid?" - Zoey
Zoey leaned over from a wall in the safe room
She quickly ran up to you and embraced you
You couldn't help but hug back.
"I...I thought you guys left me..." - Y/N
Zoey smiled
"We would never leave you. I know we haven't known you that long but. You're our family now"
- Zoey

*Zoey Taught You
"Oh yeah, which reminds me. I found this when I was searching for stuff back at the apartments. Maybe we could give this a read" - Zoey
Zoey pulled out a comic that read  'Bradley and His Schemes'
Your eyes lit up. You can't remember the last time you sat down and had a nice read.
"Holy crap! I thought all the comics in the world went extinct!" - Y/N
You quickly grabbed the comic and flipped open to the first page.
"Woah. Slow down there tiger. This is one of the newer issues. I've read some of them before. I'll catch you up along the way. But let's save this for later, kay?" - Zoey
You closed the comic and handed it back to Zoey

*Anyone Else Taught You
Zoey pulled the comic out from her bag
"We could use some entertainment now. Can't we?"
- Zoey
You smiled and nodded
Zoey sat down next to you and opened to the first page.
"Oh. Don't take this the wrong way but. You can read? Right?" - Zoey
You giggled
"Of course I can. I'm not three" - Y/N
"Sorry sorry. Just wanted to make sure" - Zoey
Half way through reading the comic Zoey stopped and closed the comic.
"What's up? It was just getting good!" - Y/N
Zoey put it back into her bag
"First rule of comic reading. Pace out every now and then. Especially in the apocalypse. If we finish too fast we'll be left bored" - Zoey

"Anyways. I wanted to ask something" - Zoey
"Yeah?" - Y/N
Zoey scratched the back of her neck
"How did you survive this long? A kid like you shouldn't have lived this long alone. No offence"
- Zoey
You looked down to the floor
"I wasn't alone. Most of the time at least. But uh. Let's just say I ended up alone." - Y/N
"They died?" - Zoey
"I hope so" - Y/N
Zoey's eyes widened
"So you didn't like them?" - Zoey
"No. It's not that I hate them. Or maybe I do. I don't know anymore. All I know is that they left me. And took all the shit we had and Left Me For Dead" - Y/N
You started to tear up
"They uh... They were my parents..." - Y/N
There was a moment of silence
Zoey put her arm on your shoulder
"Sorry to hear that. It's fucked up. Leaving your kid like that" - Zoey
You quickly wiped away your tear and snuffed away the snot in your nose and cleared your throat
"So where are we?" - Y/N
Zoey glanced around the room
"We're trying the subway. There's a helicopter at Mercy Hospital. The subway is the fastest way there we know of" - Zoey
You could hear distant voices out of the entrance to the Safe Room.
"Ah. Must be the boys" - Zoey
Zoey sat up and looked through the hole in the saferoom door
"I'm just saying. If I were to leave, you guys wouldn't last a day" - Francis
"And I'm just saying that if you were on your own you wouldn't last an hour" - Bill
"Why cant you guys just not fight for one day?" - Louis
"I like to think Its because Bill has a stick up his ass giving him orders on how to be the most generic old man there is" - Francis
"And I like to think its because Francis is a jackass" - Bill
"Kay guys, we're almost there. Keep it down' - Louis
"Zoey open up! We got food and stuff!" - Francis
"Didn't I just say to quiet down?" - Louis
Zoey swings the door open
"Ah I see the kids come to" - Francis
Francis dumps a backpack onto the floor and quickly laid down and the floor and huffs
"I am spent" - Francis
"You barely did anything" - Bill
"I carried the team to victory. That's what I did" - Francis
"Oh my god. I cant deal with his shit right now. I've had it to here" - Bill
"Oh go cry me a river Bill. Just make sure you dont have a heart attack at the same time, old man" - Francis
"Come on guys. This isn't necessary" - Louis
"Yeah, listen to Louis" - Zoey
"Bite me" - Francis
"Francis if I hear another word out of your mouth I swear to god there's gonna be more to fear than zombies" - Bill
"If you hit me your hand would break" - Francis
In a swift motion Bill had raised his hand and slapped the ever living shit of of Francis.
Francis fell to the floor
"Aw come on Bill! Geez... No one can take a joke anymore..." - Francis
Francis was holding the cheek Bill hit
"Holy shit" - Zoey
"This shit was NOT in my plans" - Louis
"We cant continue this. We need to stick together, not tear each other apart" - Louis
By now you were in the fetal position covering your ears.
You've seen this happen before, with other survivors. You weren't ready to see it happen again.
"Aw geez. I'm sorry Franci-" - Bill
"Whatever" - Francis
Francis stood up and grabbed his bag and walked over to the other side of the room
He placed his bag onto a table and sat down in a swivel chair, cross armed
"Maybe you two stay away from each other for awhile..." - Zoey
"Maybe..." - Bill
"Oh yeah. I ain't being selfish. Grab whatever you want from my bag" - Francis
He still wasn't looking at the group
You slowly walked up to the bag and dug through it
You pulled out a book
The title on the cover was 'Forever Ago'
"You ever read this Zoey?" -Y/N
Zoey walks up to you and grabs the book, examining it.
"Never heard of it" - Zoey
She gives the book back
"Well at least now we have more to read" - Y/N
"Yes, yes we do" - Zoey
Zoey chuckled
"Maybe we get some sleep..." - Bill
"But I just slept for like, hours" - Y/N
"Then you stay up, I'm going to bed" - Bill
You sat in silence for a moment
"Oh! What if I stand guard?" - Y/N
Bill started to lie down
"Go ahead, do what you want" - Bill
"Just at least and sleep, the last thing we need is to have a sleepy kid slowing us down" - Francis
"Don't Be an ass Francis" - Bill
"Guys, can we just calm down now? I'm tired" - Louis
"Yeah, Cool it guys" - Zoey

Next Morning

"Jesus Christ my cheek is still stinging, what the hell do you eat old man" - Francis
You and the group had made your way into the Subway
"Son, I was in the army during 'Nam. I think I'd now how to smack a jackass" - Bill
"Guys, don't even start" - Zoey
"I thought there'd be more zombies down here" - Y/N
"Well I thought different, That's why I chose we go down here. It's also quicker to Mercy Hospital" - Bill
"Why are we trying to go to the Hospital?" - Y/N
"Oh yeah, you were dying when we saw the chopper. There's an evac at Mercy" - Francis
Zoey hit Francis' shoulder
"The kid's fine. You don't need to say they were dying" - Zoey
"Would you rather me say they got dropped or something? You and that teen angst" - Francis
"Can we please just make our way through the Subway?" - Y/N
"Yeah, I'm with the kid" - Louis
Everyone fell silent

After about 10 minutes of carefully searching every room, Louis had found a Pipe Bomb

"Ah ha. Look at this. Pipe Bomb here!" - Louis"What the hell is a Pipe Bomb?" - Y/N
Louis handed you the Pipe Bomb
"You ever play Call of Duty World At War? The Zombie mode?" - Louis
You shook your head
You had never really played any video games. Your parents didn't really buy you anything unless it fed you. Anything that wasn't a need, your parents found useless. At least for you
"well it attracts the zombies when I through it. After awhile it-" Louis
"It blows up the zombies" - Francis
Francis interrupted and snatched the Pipe Bomb out of your hands
"And definitely shouldn't be in this kids hands" - Francis
"Oh come on, its not like it was lit" - Louis
"And if the kid lights it? Well I'll walk you through it. The Pipe Bomb goes off, Attracts a horde and blows the kid up. No thank you, I'm holding on to this" - Francis
Francis walks off and catches up with Bill and Zoey
"Sorry about Francis" - Louis
"It's fine. I don't bode well with explosives anyway" - Y/N
You talked as if you even knew what you were doing. You tend to do that

"Here, through the train car" - Bill
"I hear a Jockey" - Francis
Francis cocked his shotgun
"Wait hold on, do you mean to tell me you hadn't loaded your gun this whole time?" - Zoey
"No it's loaded, just wasn't cocked" - Francis
"Do you not realize how dangerous that is?" - Zoey
"Look lady, it takes less than a second to cock. If anything dangerous could happen that fast, we'd all already be dead" - Francis
"It's more of a matter of-" - Zoey
Just then a Jockey crashed through the window of the train car and planted itself onto Francis' shoulders
Francis screeched out in pain
When the Jockey lunged into Francis it had knocked you back (Don't ask how)
When you hit the floor you noticed that Francis' gun was sitting right next to you, along with the Pipe Bomb. He must've dropped them
"I can't get a good shot!" - Bill shouted
The Jockey was waving and swerving Francis around like he was going on a Joy Ride and was also bumping into everyone
You took it upon yourself to grab Francis' gun and shoot off the Jockey
You picked up the gun and tried your best to sim it, but with your weak hands and the guns weight. It wasn't exactly easy
You barely get the stock to reach your shoulder, it was too big for you
You pulled up the barrel up at the Jockey, closed your eyes and pulled the trigger

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