"SAM! SAMM! Phil....!?"

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  "SAM! SAMM! Phil....!?"  Tommy stood in front of the lava crying for help, he was stuck in the tiny cell with Dream. This was suppose to be his last visit , the last time he would hopefully ever see Dream. But now, he was stuck with him, for who knows how long. "Tommy, it looks like we're stuck in here, together!" Tommy turned around with force, why was Dream so happy about this?! Tommy quietly sobbed to himself, anyone could see that he wasn't happy about this.


  More TNT went off in the background, "W-what is that!? Is that your plan!?" Dream laughed to himself and leaned on the obsidian wall, "Tommy... We can escape this prison, together! What do you say?!" Tommy was stunned, he couldn't believe what Dream just said to him. "Since you know my plan Tommy, you can either accept, or I can kill you. I don't want you going to Sam and telling him my plans." Tommy doesn't want to die, he's on his last cannon life

  "Tommy..." Dream started to walk towards the boy and grabbed his shoulders, "I can protect you! Everyone else betrayed you, Tommy. Tubbo exiled you, no one visited you. I'm the only one! The only one who came to visit you! Tommy, I did what I did to you to protect you! So lets fight side by side! What do you say?"

  Maybe Dream was telling the truth, Tommy would never know for sure. Maybe he should just trust Dream, if he doesn't go with him, he'll die. "Uh, okay. I'll go with you." Dream smiled "Great." Dream raised his fist.


  The sound of TNT blocked out the sound of Dream's fist meeting Tommy's face, which knocked him right out.




  Tommy eyes fluttered open, he looked at his surroundings. He was slung over Dream's shoulder, in the distance he could see the prison, a half blown up prison. "D-Dream...?" Dream dropped Tommy on the grass below them. "UH OW! What was that for!?" Dream keeled down near the boy, "Tommy, where are the 'Nightmare' weapons?" Tommy stood up, "They are in my ender chest." Dream picked up Tommy and slung him over his shoulder once more, "COME ON MAN!"




  After the two walked though the woods for awhile until they reached a cave, Dream dropped Tommy once again, "FUCK YOU MAN!" Dream walked in the cave and pulled a leaver which turned all the lights on. Tommy stood up and brushed all the dirt of of him, "What the..."  Tommy walked into the cave and saw Dream gathering some articles of clothing. "Here, put these on." Tommy took what Dream handed to him. 

  Tommy put on the cape and hood, new boots, tiny bags around his waist, but he held the blank mask in his hands. "Uh Dream..." Dream grabbed the mask and quickly painted a face onto it, it was an angry face. "Here, it's a gift from me. Also, those are my old boots, hope you like em." Tommy tied his green neck piece over the cape and put his mask on. "Ooo~ I look bad-ass!" Tommy danced around in his new outfit. "So Dream, where's the ender chest?" The taller man put on his mask. "That's your new mission, go back to your house and  get the weapons and ender chest."

  "Dressed like this!? Then everyone will know I'm working with you." Dream walked Tommy out of the cave.

  "Not if no one sees you."

590 words

"We Can Escape This Prison, Together."- Villain Tommyinnit and DreamWhere stories live. Discover now