Dream would be proud.

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  The wind blew in Tommy's blond hair that was mostly hidden under a hood, he stood on the top on 'The Big-Innit Hotel' or 'The Big Jack Manifold Hotel.' Which pissed off Tommy even more then he already was, he was angry at Dream for sending him on this 'mission' by himself, he was just angry at the world in general. But this beats losing his last life to Dream beating him to death with a potato, it was the best option at the time.
  Tommy water bucketed of the hotel and safety on the wooden path below him, he looked around for anyone who might be around. Tommy walked away from the hotel and though the gate, now his house was just up ahead. He ran down the path making sure no one was around any corners. "Uh..  woah..." Tommy looked the front of his house, it was covered in flowers and sad little messages. He gusses that everyone thought Dream kidnapped him or even killed him and the body went down with the prison.

  But either way they were wrong, it was a choice to go with his worst enemy, or, his only true friend. But now wasn't the time to try to figure out what Dream was to Tommy, he just needed his enderchest and tools and he'd be on his way. Tommy walked into his house, and who was standing there, Conner. He must've claimed this as his house again, "Conner, get out." Tommy reached into his enderchest and pulled out the axe of peace. "Woah! Aren't you dead or something!?" Tommy help up the axe, "You tell anyone you saw me and I'll hunt you down and kill you, got it?"

  "Why do you have a mask, you look like Dream." Conner's eyes went wide in realization, he ran. Tommy quickly grabbed his chest and ran after the man, axe and shield in hand. "CONNER!" Conner ran and ran all the way to the re-built community house. He stopped in the middle of the house and looked back at Tommy, "Why!?" Tommy swung and slashed Conner's arm, "I'm going to have to kill you now." Dream would be proud, "But it will send a message out to everyone that you killed me!" Thats all Tommy could think, 'Dream would be proud.' Conner's words didn't process in Tommy's head until he took a swing right into the center on Conner skull. Killing him in a instant.

'ConnerEatsPants was slain by Tommyinnit using the Axe of Peace'

  The message was put to everyone now, he had to leave. Tommy looted Conner's corpse of any valuables. "Tommy!?" The blond turned around and stood up insanely. His mask met with Tubbo's eyes, there was blood slatter all over Tommy hands. Tommy turned around and ran away back to the hide out. But the only thing he could think of, the thing pushing away any thoughts,

Dream would be proud.

494 words

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