Dream always gets what he wants :)

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  "Come on Dream! Let's go-" The boy pulled on the invisible mans shirt, but he didn't budge. "I'll stay here for look out Tommy, you go first. I'll be with you in the mansion" By now, Tommy's invisible potion was going to wear off, so now was the perfect time to send Tommy off by himself. He idols Dream so he'll do anything he asks him to do. "Okay! Sounds good!" Tommy stood up from behind the hill and walked towards Tubbo and Ranboo's mansion, Dream watched from afar. He might have sent a letter to Snow Chester a few days prior for everyone in the SMP to meet at Snow Chester's mansion, the date worked out perfectly.



  Tommy walked into the mansion, almost everyone turned their heads as the door magically opened and closed, shit. Tubbo walked to the front of the large group, "T-Tommy...?" What!? How could Tubbo see him...? Tommy looked down and his hands and then over to a mirror on the wall beside him, the potion wore off. "D-DREAM!?" Tommy wasn't ready, and he didn't see his 'partner'. "DREAM!" Tommy whipped around to run out the door, but it was blocked by Ponk and Sam. He was panicking, he look insane to everyone. "NO NO NO! LET ME OUT, I NEED HIM!" Tommy tried to push past Ponk and Sam, but they didn't budge. Two people walked behind Tommy and each grabbed one of his arms and held them back.

  "NO LET ME GO!" Tommy thrashed from side to side trying to get away from the people holding him back. "Tommy... calm down-" "NO TUBBO, I WON'T. WHERE'S DREAM!? I NEED HIM! DREAM! HELP ME!" They brought Tommy outside and sat him on a chair, he still thrashed around. He didn't stop until they strapped his wrists and ankles down. "W-what... Tubbo.." Tommy looked at his 'friend' with puppy eyes, Tubbo got closer, "Yes Tommy...?" Tommy smiled and leaned over to Tubbo's face, "Let me out, right fucking now.... LET ME OUT!" Tubbo flinched back, "No."

  "No...? NO!? WAHHHH." Tommy was... fake crying? Tubbo looked at Tommy, he's gone insane. Tommy went from crying to yelling, until he spotted something up on a hill, "Wha- DREAM, HELP ME!" Dream did a little wave and walked off.

He left Tommy there-


Strapped to a chair-

Freaking out-

 Gone insane-

Just like in his plan-

Dream always gets what he wants :)

401 Words

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