Old Thorns

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AN: Hello again, this chapter is from Bucky's POV as I had some requests to see what happened from his perspective. I apologize that this chapter repeats a lot of last chapter. But please bare with me. Let me know your thoughts!

Content warnings: Graphic violence, sexual content, semi descriptions of panic attack and dissociation. -Amara

As soon as I saw her walk out of my office, I called my assistant Lucy to get a dress sent over to Y/N's apartment. I needed to make sure she had something to wear, something that would make her blush but also feel sexy. Once I received a photo of it on her bed, I smirked and headed back to my brownstone in Brooklyn, it was the closest to Doll's afterall.

I picked out a dark suit, just in case tonight got messy. It always put me on edge when I knew someone was betraying me, so anything could happen really. Needing to take the edge off, I took two shots of vodka, it burned on the way down. But I got a text from Rumlow saying he was outside, time to go pick up my girl.

I was antsy the entire 10 minute ride, she calmed me down, so I just needed her next to me. It was then that I remembered she wasn't going to be wearing panties if she listened to my order. And she almost always listened, she is such a good fucking girl.

Pulling up, I stepped out wanting to be the first thing she saw when she came out. I saw her before she saw me, she was smiling at M'Baku, she looked excited. It made my heart warm a little more at the sight. As she stepped out I opened my arms, ready to receive my favourite human. I loved her so fucking much.

She looked fucking stunning. The short red dress suited her curves perfectly, her tits looked amazing in the unique neckline. Thank fuck M'Baku was coming in the car or else I would bend her over the seat before we even made it to the club.

Inhaling deeply when she reached my embrace I whispered, "You look fucking stunning Doll." As she climbed into the towncar.

M'Baku gave me a nod, but I knew something was up by his posture. He was on alert for some reason.

"Thank you, Buck. You clean up nice as well." She winked at me, looking me up and down.

"Did you follow my request like a good little slut?" I smirked at her.

"Why don't you find out?" She shot back, with nothing but brat in her tone.

I decided to take that opening, reaching under her dress, I felt her bare. Just like my good little slut. Too wrapped up in the intoxication of her, M'Baku snapped me out of it.

"Fuck, can you guys just keep it PG while I am here please? I'm sober for fuck sakes." He grumbled.

I laughed softly at his whining. Getting one more tease, I whispered, "Good girl."

She blushed hotly at my careless whisper. The rest of the ride was uneventful, all of us entirely too tense with the looming of tonight's events.

Once we arrived, I pulled her out behind me, and through the crowds to the elevator. I just wanted to get this over with. Once we reached the top floor, I took our group to my office needing to brief the guys on what was to happen. She sat on the couch near the door, wanting to stay out of it.

"So once he comes in we give him a chance to tell us the truth. But I want to get intel on Loki from him. The little shit has to know something." I gruffed.

"You heard the boss, we get answers. No matter what. Nobody steals from Hydra." M'Baku rumbled. We hardly used the name of our organization anymore, everyone just knew what we were. We didn't need a name, the air would change when it was mentioned, that was always enough.

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