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AN: Hi, yes I know this chapter has been a long time coming. That is nobody's fault but my own. I lost the drive to write due to being burnt out from work. I want to close off this story so that I can start a new one. I might do another chapter after this if the ending feeling unsatisfactory. I was originally not going to make it a happy ending but I fear that would anger people more lol.

And friendly reminder, this is a Bucky/Reader but it is ALSO a Loki/Reader, another reason I stopped was because of the amount of comments I got that were complaints about how we were with Loki. It was in the tags, so I made it clear they would interact.

Anyway, for those who are still here, I hope you enjoy and I am sorry it took me so long. Leave any questions you have and I will try to answer them. - Amara

Content warnings: brief description of panic attack.

I also did not proof read this so plz ignore grammar errors.

"Sir, but what about-"

"Did I stutter?! I said kill them all!" Bucky roared.

"There's innocent people everywhere, Bucky. It would be a bloodbath." Steve spoke low.

"Look at her arm! They hurt her." Bucky glared at Steve as he nodded at you.

Steve half turned to look down at you, his eyes softened when he saw you were still holding onto his arm. But they hardened when he saw the red marks on your arms.

"It's ok, I bruise easily anyway." You shrugged trying to soothe the men's rage.

"Can we wrap this up please? Am I killing my sperm donor of a father, or are we letting the leech live?" Hela grumbled impatiently.

"Hela, darling please-" Odin tried, before Hela punched him in the face and everyone winced as they heard a crack.

"For someone who views themselves as a God, you're pretty pathetic." Hela spat.

"Do what you want with him. Just keep him out of New York." Bucky said with a glare.

"Someone has to wake up Dumb and Dumber, over here." Hela pointed her thumb at the slumped over forms of Thor and Loki.

"I've got it." You said as you walked towards the two men. You tilted your head as you weighed your options, but with a shrug you decided to slap them both in the face as hard as you could.

Thor got up so quickly, you almost toppled over, but Steve caught you and shuffled you away.

"Easy blondie." Bucky warned.

"I hate needles, and I hate being left out." Thor pouted as he looked around, his eyes widened when his eyes landed on Hela. "Hey big sis, long time no see. I am glad to see you haven't changed."

She rolled her eyes as everyone looked at Loki who was holding his cheek still.

"Alright Princess what did I do now?" He groaned.

"Stop calling her 'princess'!" Bucky growled.

"Oh not you again. Why can't you leave us alone?" He whined.

"Will you two stop with the bickering?!" You snapped.

"You guys should be the ones getting married with all this nattering." A familiar voice spoke behind you, as you turned in confusion your eyes met M'Baku's. You couldn't help the bright smile that broke across your face when you saw him, nor could you stop yourself from jumping into his arms for a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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