Home and Family

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AN: Hello!! This chapter isn't a super long one, but it is a set up for the following chapter. I included some references, and I hope someone catches them. No warnings! Enjoy- amara

Being alone with Loki felt good but something felt off. He was exuding warmth and adoration, but it's like there was a thin veil over it all. You had those rose coloured glasses of life on. Which meant his red flags, just looked like flags.

"Hello? Are you still with me?" His green eyes searched your blank expression while cupping your face.

"Sorry, I sort of zoned out there." You huffed quietly, adjusting your cup of coffee in your hands.

"Well welcome back to this realm princess." He smiled then planted a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Realm? Who are you Gandalf?" You chuckled quietly.

"Who on earth is Gandalf?" Loki narrowed his eyes while tilting his head at you.

"From the book you read? The Hobbit? You were first in line when it first came out, you were so excited." You smiled as you stared back at him. But as his expression grew more bewildered, you started to doubt yourself. "N-never mind. It must've been someone else."

Loki's hand dropped and curled into a fist, when your eyes caught that movement, you decided the best thing was to give him some space.

"I'm going to shower now." You muttered while walking backwards towards your bathroom.

"Can I join?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he stalked you backwards.

"N-no. You said we have somewhere to be in a few hours. We can't be late." You nodded in finality, that seemed like a fair excuse.

"Ok princess. But don't leave me waiting for too long." He shot you a wink before he pulled out his phone and walked to the couch.

'I didn't think that would actually work.' You thought to yourself, you just didn't know how to avoid his touch forever. Something felt off about it.

You closed the door behind you, and then started the shower water to make sure it was warm by the time you got in. As steam filled the small bathroom you looked at your hazy reflection. Something felt off, or perhaps something was missing. But you knew that you weren't the same woman that you were before your accident.

Stepping into the warm spray of the shower, you felt your tense shoulders drop. Sighing heavily, you leaned your head back with closed eyes.

Feeling yourself drift again into a daydream, you relaxed, letting your imagination decide what would play.

"You're showering without me again Doll?"

A familiar voice drifted into your mind.

You didn't move, because you wanted to see where the fantasy would take you.

It was as if you could feel a presence behind you. Your attention was jared when you felt the icy burn of what felt like metal on your midsection. In fear, you whipped your head around to glance at the cold end of your shower. There was no one there.

"You ok in there princess?" Loki's voice cooed from outside the closed door.

"Y-yes, I'm almost done." You shakily replied.

Holding your breath, you waited for what felt like hours until you heard his soft receding steps. You breathed out, leaning against the shower wall with closed eyes. As the crown of your head hit the wall, you could almost see two piercing blue eyes staring at you.

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