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(Time skip to after school)

Zar was walking out of the school with Zim, talking to him. She was able to learn where her classrooms were this time without getting lost. She noticed that Zim wasn't acting as... chaotic as he usually would and just seemed moody. She was debating whether or not she should ask him about it when a very excited person leaps in front of them and gives them a big hug.

"Hey, buddies! How have you been, especially you Zim!"

"Keef go away, Zim isn't in the mood-".

"Aw come on pal, cheer up!" Keef says cheerfully "It's a beautiful day today! The sun is sunny the smell of fresh grass, and that one weird squirrel that keeps following me is around the corner so I'm trying to stay away from it as best as possible...It's so nice!" He grabs Zim by the shoulder and uses his free hand to show Zim how nice it was that day.

"I wouldn't touch him or aggravate him too much he's been upset all day and-" She was cut off by Keef putting his index finger in her face.

"I got this Zar, I've known him for years and, sure he hits me from time to time and even replaced my eyes, we've been bestie since middle school! He wouldn't do anything to kill me!" He squeezes Zim tighter.

Just then Zim hits him in the guts mumbling and stomping away says how filthy humans are such a problem and how they are inferior to even a defective Irken. Zar walks up to Keef with a told you so look and tried to help him up.

"Hehe I probably should have just listened to you Zar, ow" he gets up and holds his stomach with both arms. "It just that lately Zim been looking down and as his best friend, I have to look after him. Especially since no one is on his side really... he was also my first-ever friend so he means a lot to me hehe. I should get going, sorry for the inconvenience." He starts to walk away with his arms still across his body then he stops and turns his head around. "Oh and hey, could you keep a close eye on him for me? I'm busy sometimes and I don't want him feeling lonely without me!" He smiles and continues to walk away

Zar looks worried as she watches Keef walk away. It didn't help that Zim seemed very upset, so she decided to leave him alone for a bit. She walks until she sees a familiar-looking white color house that still looked too fancy to be in a neighbourhood like this. She knocks on the door and waits. She looks at the rose bushes noticing they are consisting of four-colour flowers; red-orange, purple, black, and white. Then the door swings open and Clembrane looking like sunshine on drugs.

"Helloooo dear friend. What took you so long to come back? I've been waiting for you and I even made your favourite dish! Pudding!" He says goofily and he quickly hands her a bowl filled with brown pudding.

Zar smiles brightly while laughing. "Sorry bout that Mr. Clembrane, I've just been busy with just moving in and all. Zim also seems upset so I'm just going to hang out for a short while and go back home to let him cool down a bit." She walks in and walks to the living room where Gaz was playing on her Game Slave 4. "Hey Gaz."
Zar stands next to the sofa.

"..." Gaz was silent.

"...Gaz?" Zar tilted her head a little.

"Can't talk, playing my game. Go bother Dib or something." She says coldheartedly.


"Zar I swear to god if I lose this fucking round because you won't shut up, your dead understood?" Poison slipped through every word she said.

Zar stands there with a blank look on her face as she tries to understand how someone could kill another living thing over a small computer.

"C-could you at least tell me where Dib is?" Zar hesitantly asks.

"...up the stairs and go all the way down to your right. Now go away." Bitterly she tells Zar where Dib's room is.

Zar immediately runs to the staircase and bolted up them not wanting to see Tallest Miyuki or Spoke just yet. She starts to slow down halfway down the hallway and tries to catch her breath when she reaches Dib's room and knocks on it. After a few minutes of Zar standing outside the room and hearing a bunch of different noises coming from the room, the door finally opened to a half-asleep Dib.

"Zar...? What are you doing here? Did Zim kick you out again?"

"No he didn't, but he is very upset and I wanted to hang out with you or Gaz, but Gaz seems to be on a murder spree."

"Uh ok?"

There was a moment of silence where the two just stared at each other.

"So, what were you doing?" Zar tries to break the silence.

" well, I was trying to figure out a way to expose Zim for being an alien, and also the best way to dissect him as painfully as possible." Dib says this in a Chillax voice.

Zar looks at him with both disgust and fear as she tries to figure out what to say. Dib quickly realizes that Zar probably wasn't the best alien to talk about this with and tried to back peddle.

"I- well- um, I wouldn't try to do that to you you know. I'm also pretty sure you don't want to help me, right?" He laughs nervously.

"No, I wouldn't want to help my friend kill my other friend if I can help it. Though there is something I can help you with." She walks into Dib's room looking around and finds some pictures of Zim and a few other photos. She takes interest in one and takes it down.

"And what would that be exactly?" Dib crosses his arms leaning against the doorway frame.

Zar turns around with the photo in her hand pointing it towards Dib. "Learning about outer space! When it comes down to planets and different species of aliens, I'm your girl!" She had stars in her eyes as she has a cocky smile on her face.

"I already know a lot about space-"

"But you don't know everything!" She cuts him off saying in a playful voice.

"Ok ya and if I don't know all about space then how do you?" He says.

"Hm? I thought you would have known by now? I'm an investigator, a researcher! I love learning things, so I've travelled around most of space! Meeting new aliens, almost dying a few times...making friends, reading a bunch of books!" she says as she knocks over some of the books on Dib's desk and placing a light blue box on said desk.

"Uh, I thought your Tallest wouldn't let irken leave the ship if they weren't Invaders?" he looks over Zar's shoulder to look at the box.

"They don't care about any of us. The only thing they care about is power and control. It was easy to steal a ship for a month or two. Even besides, they let Zim come to Urth without being one." she shrugs and presses the button at the top of the box showing a blue screen showing words in the irken language.

"Wait- What?!" he backs up a little and looks at Zar bewildered causing Zar to turn her head.

"Hm? Why do you look so shocked?" she looks confused.

"Zim isn't an invader?"

"Nooo?" she drags the 'o' out in a confused voice.

"Then what is he?!" he turns Zar around to face him.

"The same as me, an oddity, a weirdo... Wait did you actually think he was an invader? He is too reckless! Does he even know? It's been, what, 4 years since he departed and was banished from the ship! Either one of you should have suspected something like this!" she pushes him off of her continuing to press things on the screen."why do you think we are here Dib...? The Tallest wanted to get rid of us because we are defects... We have no purpose to them, and never will..."

"...then why stay here? Why would you want to stay and continue to deal with your Tallest and not run away?"

"Because Zim is the only Irken who I thought knew how it felt to be abandon by the people you looked up to for all these years... But I guess I was wrong" she stopped pressing buttons and a bunch of planets were showing up. "So what plant do you want to learn about first?"

Invader zim fan fic (my oc Zar)Where stories live. Discover now