Tygří Kudlanka

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Zar was packing stuff into her spaceship she was able to recover once she reminded Zim that he had stolen it from her. She was just putting food and some little gifts she had gotten for the guards over at Moo ping 10. She was in the backyard of Zim's house and would pick Dib in his backyard. Zim stood at his doorframe watching Zar.

"What are you doing again?" He asks

"Taking Dib to met one of my other friends." She says in a sing-songy tone.

"And why are you doing that? You know, Dib has his own ship, he could go whenever he wants to. By himself."

"You sound awful jealous, afraid I'm gonna take your friend away?" She finished packing and turns to face him putting her hands on her hips.

"Ha! Good joke, no I don't care about that Urth-thing, I'm just confused on how you're able to trust him so easily! It's only been a month at least!"

"Well, I always thought that if I give someone my trust, then they'll give me their trust and it just makes things easier!"

"....you're an ignoramus, Zar."

She chuckles and waves Zim goodbye. She picks up Dib, and off to space they go. A few hours had passed and they were making small talk talking about whatever came to mind, though it was mostly Dib telling her all the crazy adventures he and Zim had. They get to the jailhouse and walk into the front door. There a receptionist to the right and Zar walks over to it.

"Hey, Konwon! How's it going? Oh here is a little gift I found, it's even your favourite color, Green!"

Zar hands it a bird box that was a perfect right angle. Konwon screeches while clapping. Zar grabs Dib and drags him away while waving a happy Zonwon goodbye.

"You don't have to tell it who you are meeting with?" Dib questioned.

"No, I come here often enough to where they're used to me. They aren't really that impossible to get along with, just got to know what they like, and they really like their 90-degree angle."

"Huh, I think I remember that part when I was last in here I had nothing better to do than count stuff and started to realize that everything here is a right angle."

Zar stopped dragging Dib and punches in a code on a code bar opening the door. "Well, here we are, ready to meet the furious Tiser!" Zar walks in backwards and her bright blue eyes were the only thing left in the darkroom Dib could see.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He takes a deep breath and walks in.

He looks around for a bit trying to see something but it was too dark. Luckily he brought his phone with him so he puts his flashlight on. As he walks around he bumps into something and he slowly turns around to be faced with a big bug head with even bigger big eyes

"...Boo." is all it said for Dib to scream.

Dib falls to the floor and the lights came on. The tall figure starts to laugh hysterically as Zar looks upset.

"Tygrí! What did I tell you about keeping it so dark in here! It's not good for you to be in complete darkness. Also, stop scaring my friends!" she starts to huff as she helping Dib up.

"Pff come on Zar lighten up! That was quite funny, a human I see this time." He eyes Dib, "Where are the others?" Tygri stands up as he was sitting before showing just how tall he is.

"Oh, they're busy so they weren't able to come today. But how have you been? Are they still feeding you correctly?"

"Wait hold who are these others?"

"More friends of mine who are irken, they visit time to time."

"Pf as if, they don't even come here anymore and it gets soooo boring without the three of you." their tails start to sway back and forth and they put their hands on their left cheek "oh sad and lonely, no one to talk to, all of my friends are out living their best lives, while I'm here stuck in this poor vacant jail room." they flutter their eyelashes while making sad puppy eyes.

"I could always ask them to give you a roommate, or a pet or something? They live me here you know." She shrugs looking at him.

"Nah, I like to be lonely, in the dark, in this poor vacant room. I don't have to pretend to like my roommate if I really don't. Now then let's get to the important point, why is he here." He narrowed his eyes looking at Dib.

Dib clears his throat before speaking, "I, um, I wanted to learn more about you and your kind. This could also be helpful in my research in aliens, and maybe dad will finally believe me if I'm able to take a picture..."

"Well there isn't much to know about, and I doubt my past can help your little pitiful analysis about aliens."

"Then at least let me take a picture of you! You're so non-human like that dad can't deny that aliens don't exist! Heck, I could even stop running after Zim if that's the case...i...i" he pumps himself up and starts to think of all the wonderful things that could change the world if he could prove he was indeed right and not insane like everyone thinks he is.

Tygri swings his tail keeping an eye on Dib before sighing. "Look kid, I don't know what your life is like but if I'm guessing that you've been doing this for years, then is it really worth it at this point? Wouldn't you just wanna live a normal life? Is this really worth it that you would rather be labelled the insane kid?"

"It will be worth it when everyone sees that I'm right! I'll be the smartest and first kid to be a scientist showing off all the amazing things I've collet over the years" Dib takes his phone, "I just need one photo..." Dib looks desperately at the tiger bug thing.

Zar gives Tygri a look causing it to take a big deep sigh, "if I let you take this 'photo' will you never bather me about it again?"

"YES!" Dib clears his throat " yes I would! And it's just one picture!"

"Fine, but do it quickly, i can't let everyone see how beautiful I am." Tygri strikes a pose trying to look fabulous.

Dib takes the photo after putting it in the right angle. He looks so excited and he starts dancing. He even took it live so that his father couldn't say that he took a screen shot of some sucky horror movie they once saw. While he is doing this Zar slips over to Tygri.

"Thanks Tygri, he seems happy and I owe you one." Zar says softly.

"Oh please you owe me for almost two hundred things, this one is off the hook; for now." They look at Dib and then down to Zar, "...Though I am concerned, be careful around him Zar, he seems like a nice kid, just a bit desperate about this alien stuff."

"Don't worry! I might have just met him a week or two ago, but I really trust him! He's a great listener too, and he kinda understands how it feels to be rejected by his species. He's a lot like you, you know!" Zar laughs a little.

"Don't compare me to that!" They point to Dib while he is dancing making a weird face.

They both laugh before Dib grabs Zar by the arm.

"Zar we gotta go! I need to show this to my father as fast as possible!" He begins to drag her to the door.

Zar quickly says goodbye to Tygri while locking the door. She says her goodbye to all the workers before she is tossed into her ship with Dib jumping in it. Dib is like a giggie high school girl jumping all over the place. And as Zar drives them both home, Dib tells her all the amazing things he will be able to do once he shows this to his dad and even tries to impersonate his dad's voice thinking of what he would say to Dib. All She could do was drive and listen to Dib for the next few hours.

Invader zim fan fic (my oc Zar)Where stories live. Discover now