Chapter 7: In Her Heart

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Hello everyone. I'm so sorry, I've been really busy with so many things and didn't really have time to write. I know some of you have requested to update the story, and don't worry I'll keep writing until it finished, but maybe you have to wait for a long time for another chapter XD

As a bonus for not updating in a while, I give you two chapters at once. Enjoy ^^


"I kinda wish something could happen between us, romantic style."

That was the last conversation Brittany had with Alvin. Now it's been a month and they haven't said a single word to each other. Even when Brittany was having video call with her sisters along with Simon and Theodore, Alvin were always nowhere to be seen. It made her think is he purposely avoiding her since the big confession? But that's not really the problem right now, it's what she feels towards him.

Brittany used to have acrush on Alvin back the old days. It was when some of her classmates weremaking fun of her singing behind her back that she accidently heard it. ButAlvin comes into her defense. "Her singing isn't bad, you're just jealousbecause she's better than you." Alvin continued praising Brittany, even tellingthem tiny details about her that she didn't even realize she had it in herself.After that she began to have a soft spot to him, that led her to have a littlecrush on him. But sadly, it didn't go well because of one fateful afternoon. Brittanycloses her eyes as she trying to remembers that time.


Brittany was walking around to find Alvin. She wanted to give him the cookies she bakes earlier. 'I hope he likes it.' She smiled and started to imagined his reaction when he eats it, will he like it? Will he tell her that it's delicious like what he said every time he ate Eleanor's cake. She can't wait to hear it. After a few minutes of walking, she finally found him sitting with Kevin and Cheesy. She was about to go to him when she suddenly heard them talking about her.

"Hey Alvin, where's your girlfriend?" Kevin grinning.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend." Alvin confusedly answers.

"Aaw... You don't have to be embarrassed about it. We know you guys were inseparable this few days." Kevin continues to teased him.

"Yeah, when do you guys become official? You never told me before." Cheesy starts to join him.

"What the? Who is this person you were talking about?" Alvin answered, starting to look annoyed.

"Oohhh... You know. Someone whose name started from the letter B and ended with Y."

Alvin raised one of his eyebrows and answered, "What? Brittany? I keep telling you guys she's not my girlfriend."

"If she's not then why I always seen the two of you together? Hmmm..." Kevin and Cheesy starts to laugh as they continued to teased him more and more.

"I don't know, she suddenly acts nice to me out of nowhere and started to followed me around. It's kinda annoying if you think about it."

"Do you think she has a crush on you?" Kevin wondered as he keeps bombing Alvin with questions.

"If it's true then lucky you. Brittany is one of the prettiest girls in the school. If I was in your shoes, I'll go right to her and asked her to date me for real." Cheesy added.

"Yeah, why don't you just date her for real, Alvin?"

Alvin laughed for a momentbefore replied, "Are you kidding me? Me and Brittany as a couple? It's nevergoing to happen. Not in a million year."


After that incident, Brittany started to keep her distance with Alvin. She buried her feelings deep down because she was afraid to get hurt like that day. Is it wrong to show her feelings towards the person she has a crush on? But then again, this is Alvin she's talking about. He sometimes speaks frankly without thinking even if he didn't mean to. Brittany keeps telling herself, he just saying that because he was embarrassed in front of Kevin and Cheesy, but it's still hurt whenever she thought about it.

From that day every time Alvin acted nice towards her, she views it as his normal behavior towards others and she was no special to him. That's why she was really shocked when she heard Alvin's confession last time. If what Alvin was saying is true, that he really had a crush on her, then when does he started to have feelings towards her?

'Why is it that when I actually start to move on and looks at you as a friend, you came back to wreck my feelings?' Brittany confusedly talking to herself. She's trying to jog her memory to find a single moment in her life that she thinks it may be the first time Alvin started to like her. But she couldn't find it because they have so many histories together.

From the moment they met they been rivals instead of friends, but then they slowly understand each other and become best friends along with their siblings. They even live together for a short time, before Brittany and her sisters move out into their own tree house.

Her relationship with him may not be as smooth as her sisters' relationship with Alvin's brother, not to mention they fought like all the time, but deep down they actually care about each other more than anyone, and that Alvin would definitely be there for her whenever she needs him.

Like that time everyone in the school cornered her for being a liar when she told them she was a descendant of a princess, or when she got suck toad on her eyes and no one wants to go near her and even kicked her from parties, Alvin was the only one who takes her side, even when she didn't ask him to, he still choose to stand by her. She also remembers when she called him to asked about Simon because the internet is out and he rushed to her house to fix it even though he didn't know how.

Brittany can't stop giggling replaying all those memory with Alvin inside her head. She thought she was over him as the time goes, especially since she has a boyfriend now.

Brittany's relationship with Tim is actually not that serious. She never even considers Tim as her real boyfriend. She just thought he was fun to be around and he was really care about her. He even treats her well, better than any boys in her life. He was a perfect boyfriend material, but there's still something inside of him that he doesn't have, and surprisingly Alvin has it.

Tim spent most of his time becoming the perfect son his parents wanted him to be. He's the type of 'people pleaser' person and always prioritize others instead of himself. Unlike Alvin who thinks about himself and knows exactly what he wants. He's not afraid to take a risk in order to achieve his goal. This side of him that sometimes annoys people, but Brittany found it to be charming. Life was like an adventure and much more colorful when she was around him. She knows she can always be herself around him.

Whatever Brittany was feeling right now, she figures she needs to have a talk with Tim. She didn't want to be in a relationship where she still confused about how she feels between her boyfriend and the other person. She needs to take a step back and sort out her own feelings, and going back to single is the right decision for now.

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