Chapter 3: Dinner/Movie Night

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"Let me get this straight, that Tim you had a crush on is taking you for a dinner?" Eleanor asking while sitting on the bed, looking at Brittany who were choosing a dress in front of her mirror. Brittany were happily trying out from one dress to another.

"Yes, can you believe it? I'm so nervous I can't even pick the right dress." Brittany screamed full of excitement.

"But Brittany, tonight is movie night with the Chipmunks." Jeanette, who were sitting next to Eleanor, reminded her.

"I know, but this is a one-time opportunity. If I said no, who knows when he'll be asking me again. Probably never..." Brittany does have a point. When someone asked you on a first date and you said no, you'll give the impression of 'not interested in you' to the person who were asking it, and Brittany doesn't want to do that. Especially to someone she's admired.

"That's okay Brit, we'll cover for you. I'm sure the boys won't mind that much..." Eleanor is trying to understand her oldest sister's reason for choosing dinner date instead of movie night with them and the Chipmunks. They're on that age after all. And Eleanor always know Brittany will be the first one who step into that kind of world.

"Yeah I guess it's fine to skip the movie night... if you really want to go." Jeanette finally agreed. At first she was confused on why would Brittany would choose her crush instead of them. But then she realized at some point in the future, they'll each choose what path they would wanna go, even if that means going alone. They cannot always be together after all.

"I want to. Thank you for being so understanding sis." Brittany hugged both of her sister. She's really happy right now, and nothing can ruined it for her.

"Don't forget to tell every single detail of the dinner." Eleanor said as she breaks the hug. Brittany smiled and continue to dress up. "Especially the dessert."

All of them burst in laughter. Eleanor really likes dessert, and she does love baking so much. And all of her baking were so delicious.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you guys everything."

* * *

"Alvin, are you sure you we should watch this?" Simon asked as he look at the DVD cover in front of the television. He was kinda surprised with what Alvin's choose this time. "Hmm.. Detective Mystery. I didn't know you like watching detective."

Theodore were walking down from upstairs and sit next to Simon before he shows the DVD and asked him, "Is this movie okay with you, Theodore?"

Theodore examined the cover of the movie and innocently replied, "Yeah, I guess... As long it's not scary. Besides, Alvin picks this because he said Brittany like this movie."

"Hohoho, for Brittany huh?" Simon laughed a little, teasing Alvin who were walking out of the kitchen carrying some popcorn.

"Theodore, I said don't tell anyone about it." Alvin shouted, feeling embarrassed. He specifically told Theodore not to tell anyone, especially Simon because he knows Simon will make fun of him.

"Sorry Alvin." Theodore gulped, feeling guilty.

"It's okay, Alvin. I know deep down you're actually care about her."

"No, I'm not. I pick that movie as an apology for bumping into her this morning." Alvin said, raising his tone a little bit so Simon won't tease him again or suspect his nicer behavior as 'love treatment'.

"What's this? Are you making popcorns?" Simon asked, as he saw Alvin putting down popcorns on the table.

"Yeah, Simon. Can't you see it with your four eyes?" Alvin mocked him.

"Yummy, I wanna try Alvin's popcorn." Theodore jumps out from the couch and stands in front of the table. Both of his fingers were ready to pick up and eat the popcorn, before Alvin stopped him. It's not like Alvin wasn't gonna allowed Theodore to eat it, he just want for them to eat it together with the Chipettes.

"Theodore, it's just a regular popcorn. Nothing special about it." Alvin said, raising his tone a little.

"Yeah, there is. You made it with all your heart." Theodore eyes sparkle when he said that, while Simon burst into laugh. Alvin know Theodore wasn't meant to tease him. He just saying what's in his mind, but it's still very annoying.

"Hahaha full of love for Brittany you mean!" Simon still laughing.

"Very funny guys." Alvin annoyingly replied, rolling his eyes.

Before Alvin can continue and defend himself from Simon, the doorbell rang. Ting tong. It's the girls. They're here.

"I'll get it." Theodore quickly ran to the door. It's been some kind of a habit to Theodore, opening the door as soon as he heard the bell rang.

"Hello girls, come on in." Theodore greeted the girls with a smile.

"Hello Theodore, we've brought popcorn in case you guys forgot again." Eleanor spoke as she carries a bowl of popcorn alongside Jeanette.

"Well not tonight, because I've prepare it for all of us." Alvin proudly shouted from inside.

"Really, Alvin?" Eleanor asked, refusing to believe with what she just heard. It's good that the boys remembered to make snacks, but it's rarely for them to do that.

"I know right, I'm also shocked." Simon added, while Eleanor and Jeanette comes in.

"Speaking of, why there's only the two of you?" Theodore asked, walking towards the couch as soon as he shuts the door, and sit on it.

"Oh, Brittany can't join us because she has a date." Jeanette calmly said.

"A DATE?" Alvin shouted. Making everyone in the room looking to him.

"Yeah with Tim. You know the one who saved her this morning." Eleanor explained. She also putting the popcorn on the table.

"Ooh I remember." Theodore said.

"So it's only the five of us?" Eleanor confirmed.

"Yeah, and Dave is too busy to join. But that's okay we can still have fun right." Simon suggested. All of them nod in agreement. Except for Alvin who's still processing what Jeanette was saying earlier.

Eleanor, Jeanette, and Alvin then sits on the couch, while Simon prepared the movie. It's been an hour and everyone was enjoying themselves. As for Alvin, he's still thinking about Brittany. How can she choose her date after what he prepared for her this night. Well, it's not really her fault to have other plan, but why would she go out with him.

Alvin remembered the last time they were having movie night, with Brittany. She came along with her sisters, wearing that pink dress of her, looking really pretty.

"Seriously? You guys forgot to prepare the snack? So hopeless. Alright, I'll order some pizza for us."

He can still remembered what Brittany said, and imagining what would she said tonight if she saw that he remembered to prepare some snack. Would she praise him for remembering something he always forgot? Would she like the popcorn he made? Would she tell him it's delicious? But she's not here right now. And Alvin started to realize how much she meant to him, and that he's falling in love with her. But he just wasn't fully sure yet.

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