Chapter 5: Realization

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Alvin was sitting in his room, looking at Brittany who were walking with Tim to her tree house. She looks really pretty as always. He couldn't help but smile whenever he sees her. He just wishes the person who were standing next to her right now is him, not Tim.

"Alvin, what are you looking at?" Simon was standing behind Alvin all of sudden.

Alvin startled and quickly respond, "No–nothing." He hoped Simon wouldn't notice that he was staring at Brittany for a while. But of course it's not going to happen. Simon is a genius. He would notice right away.

Simon take a glance through the window and smiled. "Look, Alvin. I know what you said back when we performing was true, you don't have to deny it anymore."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He looked away, avoiding looking at the window, or even Simon. The truth was, he knew exactly what Simon had meant. Who could forget that embarrassing moment when he accidentally confessed his love to the girl of his dreams? Certainly not Alvin.

"Come on, you obviously have a crush on her. You even staring at her right now." Simon tried to make his brother admit the truth because he keeps denying it. Even though technically it's not really his place to make Alvin speak the truth if he doesn't want to, but Simon just wanted to help his brother. He wanted to help Alvin realize his feeling.

"No, I don't. I was staring at the... Flower. It's for my science project, we have to watch flowers bloom." Alvin immediately thinks of an excuse. He knows Simon won't buy that, but it's doesn't hurt to try right?

"Oh yeah? Last time I check we don't have that kind of project."

"Maybe you just didn't listen, I hear it perfectly in class."

"Since when you pay attention in class?" Simon giggled before turns into serious. "You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm your brother."

Alvin realize at this point he can't deny it anymore. His feelings grew stronger every day. Too strong that it's starting to show to people around him. He sighed and feeling hopeless. It's time to be honest with Simon. "What do I do, Simon? I mean it's too late now. She looks really happy with Tim."

Simon felt bad for Alvin. He keeps pushing Alvin to admit his feeling but he forgot that Brittany already has a boyfriend. It's weird though, he always predicted that Alvin would end up with Brittany. Was his prediction wrong? Or was it's just a beginning of their love story? Whatever it is, Simon knows one thing that he would always support Alvin no matter what.

Simon puts his hand in Alvin's shoulder as a sign that he understands what Alvin's going through, and tried to cheer him up with a smile. "I know it's hard seeing the person you love with someone else, but one thing I know is when you love someone, you don't have to make them yours. Just show that you care and you'll always be there for them no matter what happens."

Right after Simon gave Alvin a pep talk, he thought to himself, 'What the hell did I say?' He supposed to encourage Alvin to go get the girl, but the way he said earlier it felt like he just told him to back off. Simon was about to correct his words when Alvin looks at him and smiled. "Yeah, you're right! I just need to show her my feelings. Thanks Simon."

"You're welcome, brother." Simon smiled back. Whatever Alvin's gonna do now, at least he helped him figure things out and that's enough. He can't interfere too far, it's Alvin and Brittany's problem. They're the one who will choose who they're gonna end up with. If they're meant to be together, then they will be together at the end.

* * *

"So, winter break is almost up. Any idea where are we going?" Dave were having dinner with the chipmunks when Alvin brought up the subject. After everything that's been bothering him a.k.a thinking about Brittany's relationship with Tim, the one thing he needs is a vacation.

"Alvin, I told you yesterday we're going to see Aunt Jackie." Dave reminded. He was sure he told them yesterday and they were excited. But then again, if he remembers correctly the only one who were excited was Theodore. He didn't really pay attention to Alvin when he gave the news so maybe he didn't hear it?

"You did? I guess I missed it." Alvin replied. How come he missed this big news? What was he doing last night? He tried to remember but he can't. Maybe he was thinking of something so he didn't listen to Dave.

"Then start paying attention. You missed almost everything that's important. Don't tell me you're also forget you'll be graduating from school in a few months?"

"That one I'll never forget."

"You guys need to start figure out what path you guys want to take."

"What do you mean our own path?" Simon asked. He sounds really interested in discussing about his future.

"Your future. What do you want to be after you're graduating?" Dave continued. Looking at his sons who were listening to him carefully.

"So, we can be whatever we want to be?" Theodore asked. Like Simon, he also quite excited when talking about his future.

"Of course, but you still have to consult with me. Whatever you guys choose, I'll always support you." Right after Dave saying that, his three sons went silent. They started to imagine about their own vision of the future, what they'll be after graduation.

* * *

"Have you thought about what Dave said earlier? About our future?" Alvin were laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling asked his brothers. The truth is he hasn't really thought much about his future. Even after the last time Brittany told about her future plan, he still doesn't know.

"Well not really, I mean there's so much to think about." Simon responded. Actually, Simon were secretly considering on going to college. But he couldn't tell his brothers right now. Not until he's sure what to do. It's just a silly thought anyway, also it's still on consideration.

"Yeah, like about us as a band." Alvin quietly spoke. He's worried about his future singing career. After dinner tonight, he can tell that Dave were giving a signal that they can choose whatever they wanna be in the future, and that means he or his brothers can choose different path besides being a singer.

"Guys, do you think we'll still continue to sing?" Theodore worried. There have been a long silent before Alvin or Simon could respond to Theodore's question.

"Honestly, I haven't thought much about it." Simon finally speaks.

"Yeah me neither." Alvin added. He sighed before continue,"Guess we'll just see about that later."

* * *

A/N: Hello guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the long update, I've been really busy. Anyway I decided not to end the story in this chapter because there's a scene that I really want to write no matter what. I hope you'll continue to support me ^^

See you in the next chapter!

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